Collection 1. Wildlife Forensic Toxicology and Biomonitoring

Collection 1. Volume 1. STVF Training Video Collection for Wildlife Forensic Toxicology and Biomonitoring: Vol. 1 Procedures for collection of blood samples of raptors (Procedimientos de extracción de sangre en rapaces)

Collection 1. Volume 2. STVF Training Video Collection for Wildlife Forensic Toxicology and Biomonitoring: Vol. 2 Obtention of plasma and serum from whole blood (Obtención de plasma y suero a partir de sangre entera).

Collection 1. Volume 3. STVF Training Video Collection for Wildlife Forensic Toxicology and Biomonitoring: Vol. 3 Measuring egg/eggshell parameters (Medición de parámetros del huevo y la cáscara).

Collection 1. Volume 4. STVF Training Video Collection for Wildlife Forensic Toxicology and Biomonitoring: Vol. 4 Necropsy of an Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) (Necropsia de un búho real – Bubo bubo).

Collection 1. Volume 5. STVF Training Video Collection for Wildlife Forensic Toxicology and Biomonitoring: Vol. 5 How to pluck body feathers from living raptors (Cómo coger plumas corporales de un ave rapaz viva).