Producción científica/Scientific Production

  • Vicedo, T., Navas, I., María-Mojica, P., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Widespread use of anticoagulant rodenticides in agricultural and urban environments. A menace to the viability of the endangered Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) populations. Environmental Pollution 358: 124530 doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124530
  • Blanco, G., Carrete, M., Navas, I., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Age and sex differences in pharmaceutical contamination in a keystone scavenger. Environmental Research 251: 118592. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118592
  • Spadetto, L., Gómez-Ramírez, P., Zamora-Marín, J.M., León-Ortega, M., Díaz-García, S., Tecles, F., Fenoll, J., Cava, J., Calvo, J.F., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Active monitoring of long-eated owl (Asio otus) nestlings reveals widespread exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides across different agricultural landscapes. Science of the Total Environment 918: 170492. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170492
  • Carrera, A., Navas, I., María-Mojica, P., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Greater predisposition to second generation anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) weakened by suspected infectious disease. Science of the Total Environment 907: 167780 doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167780
  • García-Fernández, A.J., María-Mojica, P., Navas, I. 2024. Avian Ecotoxicology. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 4, 31-43, Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., María-Mojica, P., Navas, I. 2024. Oxalates. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 7, 211-219, Oxford UK: Elsevier ISBN 9780323854344.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., Carbonell, D., Navas, I. 2024. Hexachlorophene. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 5, 255-263, Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Navas, I., María-Mojica, P., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Propachlor. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 7, 921-928. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Navas, I., Nieto, M.B., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Methyl isothiocyanate. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 6, 315-323. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Navas, I., Pereira, E., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Bromethalin. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 2, 279-286. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Navas, I., Chamorro, C., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Vynil Fluoride. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 9, 761-768. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Salcedo, S., Martínez-López, E. García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Nitrapyrin. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 6, 795-802. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Salcedo, S., Martínez-López, E. García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Azathioprine. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 1, 871-879. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Nieto, M.B.., García-Fernández, A.J., Navas, I. 2024. Asbestos. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 1, 821-830. Oxford UK: Elsevier ISBN 9780323854344.
  • López-Berenguer, G., Martínez-López, E. García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Diazoaminobenzene. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 3, 591-596. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Martínez-López, E. García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Fenvalerate. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 4, 695-704. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Chamorro, C., Navas, I., García-Fernández, A.J. 2024. Mecoprop. In Wexler, P. (ed). Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition, vol 6, 61-71. Oxford UK: Elsevier, Academic Press, ISBN 9780323854344.
  • Panales, P., Navas, I., María-Mojica, P., Fernández, A., Nieto, M.B., García-Fernández, A.J. 2023. Intoxicación secundaria por metaldehído en un tejón (Meles meles): Estudio experimental con Helix aspersa. [Secondary metaldehyde poisoning in a badger (Meles meles): Experimental study with Helix aspersa]. Anales de Veterinaria (Murcia) 37: 1-21. doi: 10.6018/analesvet.580101
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., Bustness, J.O., Eulaers, I., Johnsen, T.V., Lepoint, G., Pérez-García, J.M., García-Fernández, A.J., Espín, S., Jaspers, V.L.B. 2023. Mercury exposure in birds of prey from Norway: Relation to stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures in body feathers. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 110(6). doi 10.1007/s00128-023-03740-6
  • Blanco G, Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Frías O, García-Fernández AJ. 2023. Domestic waste and wastewaters as potential sources of pharmaceuticals in nestling white storks (Ciconia ciconia). Antibiotics 12(3): 520. doi 10.3390/antibiotics12030520
  • Blanco G, Gómez-Ramírez P, Lambertucci SA, Wiemeyer GM, Plaza PI, Hiraldo F, Donázar JA, Sánchez-Zapata JA, García-Fernández AJ. 2023. Unexpected exposure of Andean condors (Vultur gryphus) to pharmaceutical mixtures. Biological Conservation 280: 109964. doi 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.109964
  • Movalli P, Koschorreck J, Treu G, Slobodnik J, Alygizakis N, Androulakakis A, Badry A, Baltag E, Barbahli F, Bauer K, Biesmeijer K, Borgo E, Cincinelli A, Claben D, Danielsson S, Dekker RWRJ, Dietz R, Eens M, Espín S, Eulaers I, Frahnert S, Fuiz TI, García-Fernández AJ, ….. Duke G. 2022. The role of natural science collections in the biomonitoring of environmental contaminants in apex predators in support of the EU’s zero pollution ambition. Environmental Sciences Europe 34: 88.
  • Roque I, Lourenço R, Marques A, Martínez-López E, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Roulin A, Rabaça JE. 2022. A first record of organochlorine pesticides in Barn owls (Tyto alba) from Portugal: Assessing trends from variation in feather and liver concentrations. Bulletion of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 109: 436–442.
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Berny P. 2022. Developing a European network of analytical laboratories and government institutions to prevent poisoning raptors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194: 113
  • Quadri-Adrogué A, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Seco-Pon JP, García GO, Miglioranza KSB. 2022. Feather mercury levels in beached Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) in northern Argentina during the breeding season. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 29: 24793–24801.
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Navas I. 2021. Water Quality and Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs). In K. Roy (ed), Chemometrics and Cheminformatics in Aquatic Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell onLine Library, ISBN-978-1119681595
  • Dulsat-Masvidal M, Lourenço R, Lacorte S, D’Amico M, Albayrak T, Andevski J, Aradis A, Baltag E, Berger-Tal O, Berny P, Choresh Y, Duke G, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, et al. 2021. A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a pan-European monitoring scheme of contaminants. Science of the Total Environment 793: 148599. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148599
  • López-Berenguer G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2021. High levels of heavy metals detected in feathers of an avian scavenger warn of a high pollution risk in the Atacama Desert (Chile). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81(2): 227-235 10-1007/s00244-021-00862-y
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro M, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. Wildlife poisoning: a novel scoring system and review of analytical methods for anticoagulant rodenticide determination. Ecotoxicology 30: 767-782.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, León-Ortega M, Botella F, Calvo JF, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Martínez JE, Navas I, Pérez-García JM, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Taliansky A, Van Den Brink N, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. A 25 years overview of the contaminant exposure and effects in Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) from southern Spain. AIRO 29: 145-167.
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, Sánchez-Virosta P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Temporal persistence of bromadiolone in decomposing bodies fo common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Toxics 8(4): 98 (1-14) doi:10.3390/toxics8040098
  • Valverde I, Espín S, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Protocol to classify the stages of carcasses decomposition and estimate the time of death in small-size raptors. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66: 93. doi:10.1007/s10344-020-01429-3.
  • Albertos S, Berenguer N, Sánchez-Virosta P, Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Valverde I, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Espín, S. 2020. Mercury exposure in birds linked to marine ecosystems in western Mediterranean. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 79: 435–453.
  • Espín S, Andevski J, Duke G, Eulaers I, Gómez-Ramírez P, Hallgrimsson GT, Helander B, Herzke D, Jaspers V, Krone O, Lourenço R, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, Mateo R, Movalli P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Shore RF, Sonne C, van den Brink N, van Hattum B, Wernham C, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. A schematic sampling protocol for contaminant monitoring in raptors. Ambio (published online 12 May 2020).
  • Arrondo E, Navarro J, Pérez-García JM, Mateo R, Camarero PR, Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios RC, Jiménez-Moreno M, Cortés-Avizanda A, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Donázar JA. 2020. Dust and bullets: stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger. Environmental Pollution 266: 115022.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, León-Ortega M, Calvo JF, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Zumbado M, Luzardo, OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ, Espín S. 2020. Blood concentrations of 50 elements in Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) at different contamination scenarios and related effects on plasma vitamin levels. Environmental Pollution 265: 115012.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Blanco G, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Validation of multi-residue method for quantification of antibiotics and NSAIDS in avian scavengers by using small amounts of plasma in HPLC-MS-TOF. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 4058. doi:10.3390/ijerph17114058.
  • Badry A, Krone O, Jaspers VLB, Mateo R, García-Fernández AJ, Leivits M, Shore RF. 2020. Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: Identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring. Science of the Total Environment 731: 139198.
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zamora-Marín A, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Physiological effects of toxic elements on a wild nightjar species. Environmental Pollution 263: 114568
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zumbado M, Luzardo OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Toxic elements in blood of red-necked nightjars (Caprimulgus ruficollis) inhabiting differently polluted environments. Environmental Pollution 262: 114334.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2020. Temporal changes in metal concentrations in Andean condor feathers: a potential influence of volcanic activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(20): 25600-25611. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08981-0
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, Navas I, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Peñalver J, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Mercury and Organochlorine Pesticides in Tissues of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Southwestern Mediterranean Coastline (Andalusia, Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104: 559–567.
  • García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Ecotoxicologial Risk Assessment in the context of different EU Regulations. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 3-25,
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Martínez-López E, Navas I. 2020. Wildlife Sentinels for Human and Environmental Health Hazards in Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 77-94.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2020. Arsenic-related oxidative stress in experimentally dosed wild great tit nestlings. Environmental Pollution 259: 113813. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113813.
  • Aver GF, Espín S, dal Corno RDB, García-Fernández AJ, Petry MV. 2020. Organochlorine pesticides in feathers of three raptor species in southern Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 5971-5980. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-07370-6
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Ferreras P, García-Fernández AJ, Mateo R. 2020. Conditioned food aversion in domestic dogs induced by thiram. Pest Management Science 76: 568-574 DOI: 10.1002/ps.5548 .
  • AJ García-Fernández & Navas I. 2019. Riesgos Tóxicos de la Munición de Plomo y sus Alternativas en la Actividad Cinegética. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • AJ García-Fernández, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Valverde I, Hernández EA. 2019. Plomo en productos cárnicos de caza mayor: Estimación de riesgos por su consumo. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Lara L, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Hg and Se in organs of three cetacean species from the Murcia coastline (Mediterranean Sea). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 103(4): 521-527. doi:10.1007/s00128-019-02697-9
  • Movalli P, Duke G, Ramello G, Dekker R, Vrezec A, Shore RF, García-Fernández AJ, …, Espín S, …, Gómez-Ramírez P, …, Martínez-López E, …, Sánchez-Virosta P, et al. 2019. Progress on bringing together raptor collections in Europe for contaminant research and monitoring in relation to chemicals regulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(20): 20132-20136. doi:10.1007/s11356-019-05340-6. Correction in doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06137-3
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Escriña A, Lara L, Gens MJ, MaríaDolores E, Alcaraz A, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Trace metals in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded along the Murcia coastline, Mediterranean Sea, during the period 2009-2015. Chemosphere 229: 580-588. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control. Behavioural Processes 166: 103905.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Pérez-García JM, León-Ortega M, Martínez E, Calvo F, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Botella F, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Spatio-temporal variations of organochlorine pesticides in an apex predator: Influence of government regulations and farming practices. Environmental Research 176: 108543. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108543.
  • Rosell J, Barragán A, Carbonell MD, Gerique C, Fernández M, Pérez V, García-Fernández AJ, Casares M, Viana D, Selva L, Ortega J, Corpa JM. 2018. Ulcerative dermatitis and septicemia associated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Citrobacter braakii co-infection in a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association – JAVMA – Pathology in Practice 255 (12): 1249-1252. 10.2460/javma.255.12.1349
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Gil JM, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Lead exposure in Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna): tracking the success of the Pb shot ban for hunting in Spanish wetlands. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 106: 147-151.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, María-Mojica P, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Conditioned food aversion mediated by odour cue and microencapsulated levamisole to avoid predation by canids. European Journal of Wildlife Research  65: 32.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2019. From Mexico to the Beagle Channel: A review of metal and metalloid pollution studies on wildlife species in Latin America.  Environmental Research 176: 108462. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.04.029.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruiz S,  Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2019. Effects of calcium supplementation on oxidative status and oxidative damage in great tit nestlings inhabiting a metal-polluted area. Environmental Research 171: 484–492.
  • Pedrazzani R, Bertanza G, Brnardić I, Cetecioglu Z, Dries J, Dvarionienė J, García-Fernández AJ, Langenhoff A, Libralato G, Lofrano G, Škrbić B, Martínez-López E, Meriç S, Mutavdžić Pavlović D, Papa M, Schröder P, Tsagarakis KP, Vogelsang C. 2019. Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: toxicity assessment in a European perspective. Science of the Total Environment 651: 3202–3221.
  • Di Marzio A, Gómez-Ramírez P, Barbar F, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2018. Mercury in the feathers of bird scavengers from two areas of Patagonia (Argentina) under the influence of different anthropogenic activities: a preliminary study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 25(14): 13906-13915. doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-1333-7.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez-Montalbán P, Delgado D, Martínez-López E, María-Mojica P, Godino A, García-Fernández AJ. 2018. Development of a QUECHERS method for simultaneous analysis of antibiotics in carcasses for supplementary feeding of endangered vultures. Science of the Total Environment 626: 319-327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.060
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Salminen J-P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2018. Experimental manipulation of dietary arsenic levels in great tit nestlings: Accumulation pattern and effects on growth, survival and plasma biochemistry. Environmental Pollution 233: 764-773.
  • Gil-Sánchez JM, Molleda S, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Bautista J, Navas I, Godinho R, García-Fernández AJ, Moleón M. 2018. Front sport hunting to breeding success: Patterns of lead ammunition ingestion and its effects on an endangered raptor. Science of the Total Environment 613-614: 483-491. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.069. 
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2017. A microplate adaptation of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay to determine lipid peroxidation fluorometrically in small sample volumes. Revista de Toxicología 34 (2): 94-98.
  • AJ García-Fernández. 2017. Blood lead concentrations for use as threshold levels for decision-making to minimize the effects of lead exposure in raptors.   Link DIGITUM
  • Tatay E, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, Ruíz MJ. 2017. Estrogenic activity of zearalenone, α-zearalenol, and β-zearalenol assessed using the E-screen assay in MCF-7 cells. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 28(4): 239-242.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Bustnes JO, Eulaers I, Herzke D, Johnsen TV, Lepoint G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Jaspers VLB. 2017. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in plasma and feathers of nestling birds of prey from northern Norway. Environmental Research 158: 277-285. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.019.
  • Dolan, K., T.M. Ciesielski, S. Lierhagen, I. Eulaers, T. Nygård, T.V. Johnsen, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández, J.O. Bustnes, M. Ortiz-Santaliestra, V.L. Jaspers. 2017. Trace element concentrations in feathers and blood of Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nestlings from Norway and Spain. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 564-571. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.06.062.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. Gómez-Ramírez, S. Espín, M.P. Aldeguer, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Influence of a former mining area in the heavy metals concentrations in blood of free-living Mediterranean pond turtles (Mauremys leprosa). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99(2): 167-172. doi: 10.1007/s00128-017-2122-6.
  • Tatay, E., S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, M.J. Ruíz. 2017. Oxidative damage and disturbance of antioxidant capacity by zearalenone and its metabolites in human cells. Toxicology in vitro 45: 334-339. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.04.026.
  • Taliansky-Chamudis, A., P. Gómez-Ramírez, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2017) Validation of a QuECheRS method for analysis of neonicotinoids in small volumes of blood and assessment of exposure in Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) nestlings. Science of the Total Environment 595: 93-100. doi. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.246.
  • Lisón, F., S. Espín, B. Aroca, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Assessment of mercury exposure in Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from southeastern Iberian Peninsula: Maternal-fetal transfer. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 24(6): 5497-5508. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8271-z.
  • Belando, M.D., A. Marín, M. Aboal, A.J. García-Fernández, L. Marín-Guirao. 2017. Combined in situ effects of metals and nutrients on marine biofilms: Shifts in the diatom assemblage structure and biological traits. Science of the Total Environment 574: 381-389 doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016. 08.197.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, S. Espín, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, J.M. Pérez-García, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Haematocrit and blood biochemical parameters in free-living Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) from Southeastern Spain: Study of age and sex differences. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62(5): 557-564. (10.1007/s10344-016-1028-7)
  • Espín, S., A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coeurdassier, I. Eulers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2016) Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors – what types of samples should we use. Ecotoxicology 25(4): 777-801 (DOI 10.1007/s10646-016-1636-8).
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Interspecific differences in the antioxidant capacity of two Laridae species exposed to metals. Environmental Research International 147: 115-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.01.029
  • Martínez-López E, S. Espín, F. Barbar, S.A. Lambertucci, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández (2015) Contaminants in the southern tip of South America: Analysis of organochlorine in feathers of avian scavengers from Argentinean Patagonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 115: 83-92.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, T. Eeva (2015) A review on exposure and effects of arsenic in passerine birds. Science of the Total Environment 512-513: 506-525.
  • Espín S, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, AGarcía-Fernández AJ (2015) Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (d-ALAD) activity in four free-living bird species exposed to different levels of lead under natural conditions. Environmental Research 137: 185-198.
  • Espin S, A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coerudassier, I. Eulaers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2014) SAMPLING AND CONTAMINANT MONITORING PROTOCOL FOR RAPTORS. Research Networking Programme-EURAPMON. Available on EURAPMON website ( December 2014.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, R.F. Shore, N.W. van den Brink, B. van Hattum, J.O. Bustnes, G. Duke, C. Fritsch, A.J. García-Fernández, B.O. Helander, V. Jaspers, O. Krone, E. Martínez-López, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne (2014) An overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in Europe. Environment  International 67: 12-21.
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Oxidative stress biomarkers in Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) in three different scenarios of heavy metal exposure. Environmental Research 131: 134-144.
  • Martínez-López, S., M.J. Martínez-Sánchez, C. Pérez-Sirvent, J. Bech, M.C. Gómez-Mártinez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Screening of wild plants for use in the phytorremediation of mining-influenced soils containing arsenic in semiarid environments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14:794-809.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Effects of heavy metals on biomarkers for oxidative stress in Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). Environmental Research 129: 59-68.
  • Hernández-García, A., D. Romero, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) In vitro evaluation of cell death induced by cadmium, lead and their binary mixtures on erythrocytes of Common buzzard (Buteo buteo). Toxicology in vitro 28: 300-306.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Factors that influence mercury concentrations in nestling Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo). Science of the Total Environment 470-471: 1132-1139
  • García-Fernández A.J. (2014) Avian Ecotoxicology. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion, vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 289-294.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Diazoaminobenzene. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 57-59.
  • García-Fernández A.J. and I. Navas (2014) Bromethalin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 552-556.
  • Espín S., and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Azathioprine. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 347-350.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Propachlor. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 1082-1085.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Fenvalerate. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. Elsevier. DOI10.1016/B978-0-12-386454-3.00506-6
  • Espín S. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Nitrapyrin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 519-522.
  • Gómez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Mecoprop. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 176-179.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., S. Espín, P. Gómez and E. Martínez-López (2014) Oxalates. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 730-734.
  • García-Fernández A.J., S. Espín and E. Martínez-López (2013) Feather as biomonitoring tool of polyhalogenated compounds: a review. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (7): 3028–3043
  • García-Fernández A.J. and E. Martínez-López (2012) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. In F. Omil Prieto and S. Suárez Martínez (eds). Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A modification of QuEChERS method to analyse anticoagulant rodenticides using small blood samples. Revista de Toxicología 29: 10-14.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramirez, J.F. Calvo, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) DDT residues in breeding population of booted eagle (Aquila pennata) associated with agricultural land practices. In A. Adams (ed) The Impact of Pesticides. AcademyPublish, 296-311 . ISBN: 978-0-9835850-9-1.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbills (Alca torda) as bioindicators of mercury pollution in the southwestern Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64(11): 2461-2470.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández, A.J. Zweers, N.W. van den Brink (2012) Organohalogen exposure in a Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) population from southeastern Spain: Temporal-spatial trends and risk assessment. Chemosphere 88(8): 903-911.
  • García-Fernández, I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2012) Monitorización de contaminantes ambientales persistentes en rapaces forestales de España: exposición y efectos. En Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecología y Conservación de las Rapaces Forestales Europeas. 337-356 ISBN: 978-84-7752-487-8.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbill (Alca torda) feathers as an alternative tool for evaluating exposure to organochlorine pesticides. Ecotoxicology 21(1):183-90.
  • Tagliati, C.A., D. Romero, E.C.R. Dutra, A. Hernández-García, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A comparison of BGM and LLC-PK1 cells for the evaluation of nephrotoxicity. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 35(3): 258-263.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2011) Monitoring of persistent environmental contaminants in forest raptors in Spain: exposure and effects. In Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecology and Conservation of European Forest-Dwelling Raptors. 337-350 ISBN: 978-84-7752-489-2.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2011) Blood lead levels and δ-ALAD inhibition in nestlings of Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) to assess lead exposure associated to an abandoned mining area. Ecotoxicology 20: 131-138.
  • A.J. García-Fernández and E. Martínez-López (2010) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. Chapter 13th, in F. Omil y S. Suárez (eds) Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. 247-272. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Assessment of organochlorine pesticide exposure in a wintering population of razorbills (Alca torda) from the southwestern Mediterranean. Chemosphere 80(10): 1190-1198.
  • E. Martínez-López, A.R. Sousa, P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramírez, L. Guilhermino, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Blood, δ-ALAD, lead and cadmium concentrations in spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca) from Southeastern Spain and Northern Africa. Ecotoxicology 19(4): 670-677.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2010) Adecuación e idoneidad de los contenidos de la asignatura de Toxicología para el perfil profesional del egresado veterinario. Revista de Toxicología 27: 51-56.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez- López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Desarrollo de un método analítico para la extracción de pesticidas organoclorados de plumas. Anales de Veterinaria 26: 77-90.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. Gómez-Ramírez, E. Martínez-López, A. Hernández-García, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, P. Jiménez, J.J. Castillo, J.J. Bellido (2009) Heavy metals in tissues from loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Southwestern Mediterranean (Spain). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2): 557-563.
  • D. Romero, A. Hernández-García, C. Tagliati, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Cadmium and lead induced apoptosis in mallard erythrocytes (Anas platyrhynchos). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):37-44.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Changes in blood pesticide levels in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) associated with agricultural land practices. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):45-50.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.F. Calvo, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez (2008) Raptor ecotoxicology in Spain: a review on environmental persistent contaminants. AMBIO-Journal of the Human Environment 37: 432-439.
  • M. Martínez-Haro, R. Mateo, R. Guitart, F. Soler, M. Pérez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2008) Relationship of the toxicity of pesticide formulations and their commercial restrictions with the frequency of animal poisonings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69(3): 396-402.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, J. Wright, R.F. Shore, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Organochlorine residues in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) and goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) eggs from south-eastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(11): 2378-2378.
  • D. Romero, J.A. García-Navarro, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Revisión de la legislación veterinaria de interés y uso en mataderos. Alimentaria 386: 73-78.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, J. Lloret, A. Marín, G. García, A.J. García Fernández (2007) Pulse-discharges of mining wastes into a coastal lagoon during torrential rains in a semiarid European region: water chemistry and associated toxicity. Chemical Ecology 23(3): 217-231.
  • D. Romero E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Alteraciones anatomo-patológicas en un flamenco común (Phoenicopterus roseus) por intoxicación aguda por plomo. Revista de Toxicología 24(1): 52-55.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2007) La Veterinaria Legal y la Deontología en España. Actualidad Veterinaria 82: 26-30.
  • D. Romero, J. Peñalver y A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Perdigones de plomo y aves cinegéticas: un problema de salud pública. Información Veterinaria 4: 11-15.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, C. Gerique, P. Jiménez, A.J. García Fernández (2006) Detection of strychnine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the carcass of a Bonelli´s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus). The Veterinary Record 159(6):182-3.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, I. Navas, A. Hernández-García, P. Gómez-Ramírez (2006) Aspectos clínicos y forenses del envenenamiento de aves silvestres: diferencias entre aldicarb y estricnina. Revista de Toxicología 23(1): 44-48.
  • D. Romero, Quesada, E., Sogorb, M.A., García-Fernandez, A.J., Vilanova, E., Carrera, V. (2006) Comparison of chromaffin cells from several animal sources for their use as an in vitro model to study the mechanism of organophosphorous toxicity. Toxicology Letters 165: 221-229.
  • A.J. García-Fernández y F. Soler Rodríguez  (2006) Riesgos tóxicos por consumo de carne de caza. En: A. Cameán y M. Repetto, Toxicología Alimentaria. Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 413-436.
  • D. Romero, Martínez-López E., García-Fernández A.J. (2006) Valoración de las alteraciones provocadas por diferentes agentes tóxicos sobre Daphnia magna a través de un ensayo “on line”. Revista de Toxicología 23: 113-117.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) Characterization of putrescine uptake in Hamster Amelanocytic Melanoma AMel-3 Cells. Molecular and Cells 20(1): 127-135.
  • A.J. García-Fernandez, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) High levels of blood lead in griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) from «Cazorla» Natural Park (Southern Spain). Environmental Toxicology 20(4): 459-463.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, A. Marín-Atucha, J. Lloret, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Effects of mining wastes on a seagrass ecosystem: metal accumulation and bioavailability, seagrass dynamics and associated community structure. Marine Environmental Research 60: 317-337.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Cadmium in feathers of adults and blood of nestlings of three raptor species from a non-polluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 477-484.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, M. Pulido, P. María-Mojica (2005) Environmental lead exposure in European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) from southeastern Spain: Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 314-319.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2004) Convulsionantes: estricnina, metaldehído, escilirósido y crimidina. Consulta de Difusión Veterinaria 12: 49-58.
  • E. Martínez-López, J.E. Martínez, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, M. Pulido, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Lead in feathers and d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in three raptor species from an unpolluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47: 270-275.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Comparison of cytopathological changes induced by mercury chloride exposure in renal cell lines (VERO and BGM). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 17: 129-141.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2004) Morphological characterisation of renal cell line (BGM and VERO) exposed to low doses of lead nitrate. Histology and Histopathology 19: 69-76.
  • S.B. Abdel-Ghani, E. Martínez-López, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Balaña-Fouce and D. Ordóñez (2004) Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of four insect pheromones in CHO-K1 cells. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73: 963-970.
  • D. Romero, E. Martínez-López y A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Los métodos alternativos a la experimentación animal. Portal Veterinaria 21-10-2004.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna (2003) Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations on the blood lead concentrations in Murciano-Granadina goats from Murcia Region (SE Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70: 1178-1183.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2003) Morphological characterization of BGM cell line exposed to low doses of cadmium chloride. Toxicology in vitro 17: 293-299.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2003) Guía Legislativa de interés veterinario: sanidad animal y salud pública. ISBN 84-932537-3-1. Ed. JMC. 1-219.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez, I. Navas and A.J. García Fernández (2003) Intentional poisoning of animals in southeastern Spain: a review of the Veterinary Toxicology Service from Murcia (Spain). Veterinary and Human Toxicology 45: 47-50.
  • A.J. García Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, D. Romero, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Changes in glutathione-redox balance induced by hexachlorocyclo-hexane and lindane in CHO-K1 cells. Xenobiotica 32: 1007-1016.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, M. Motas, R.M. Reguera, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Alterations of the glutathione-redox balance induced by metals in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 132: 365-373.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2002. Anales de Veterinaria.
  • D. Romero, M. Motas, A.J. García Fernández (2002) Mercancia frente a producto: competencia veterinaria en comercio intracomunitario y con terceros países. Actualidad Veterinaria 25: 24-34.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Animales envenenados: La experiencia de 10 años del Servicio de Toxicología de la Universidad de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 81-90.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2001. MU-1951-2002: 1-107.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez-Torrecillas, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Pluma de águila calzada (Hiearaaetus pennatus) como unidad biomonitora de la exposición a metales pesados. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 69-74. 
  • M. Wayland, A.J. García Fernández, N. Neugebauer, H.G. Gilchrist  (2001) Concentrations of cadmium, mercury and selenium in blood, liver and kidney of common eider ducks from the Canadian artic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 71: 255-267.
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García Fernández, C. Ordóñez, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, J.C. Cubría, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez  (2001) Cyclodiene organochlorine insecticide-induced alterations in the sulfur-redox cycle in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 130: 315-323 .
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Fett, J.C. Cubría, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñe  (2000) Evaluation of basal cytotoxicity of organochlorine insecticides by in vitro alternative methods using BF-2 and RTG-2 fish cell lines. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Restoration 3: 81-86.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Utilidad de la línea celular de origen tumoral A-Mel-3 en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados. Revista de Toxicología 17: 133-139.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Comparación de dos métodos colorimétricos en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados en cultivos de células renales. Revista de Toxicología 17: 91-95.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J. Peñalver, P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2000) Lipid peroxides in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) as biomarker of environmental exposure to heavy metals and organochlorine residues. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 416-420.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2000) Influence of the age, sex and nutritional status on organochlorine levels in tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) from South-Western Mediterranean. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 433-437.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández (2000) Lead and cadmium in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) stranded on the coast of Andalusia (SW Mediaterranean): Influence of biological factors. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 421-426.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, A. Barba, I. Navas, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados en cernícalo común (Falco tinnunculus) de la Región de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 16: 55-66.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia del sexo, la edad y la estación del año sobre las concentraciones de DDE hepático en cernícalos vulgares (Falco tinnunculus). En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”- Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 169-174.
  • P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia de la exposición al plomo en el brote de botulismo en aves acuáticas en el Parque Natural «El Hondo» en 1997. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 175-180.
  • A.J. García Fernández y P. María-Mojica  (2000) Contaminantes ambientales y su repercusión sobre la fauna silvestre. Programas de biomonitorización. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 215-224.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2000) El plumbismo como causa de muerte en aves acuáticas. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 181-188.
Previo a 2000
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero (1999) Sunflower meal as cause of chronic copper poisoning in lambs in Southeastern Spain. Canadian Veterinary Journal 40: 799-801.
  • AE. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, C. Ordóñez, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1999) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad de metales in vitro en las líneas celulares de peces BF-2 y RTG-2 por dos métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 16(2): 17-21.
  • D. Santiago, M. Motas, A. Reja, P. María-Mojica, B. Rodero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Lead and cadmium in red deer and wild boar from Sierra Morena (Andalusia). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61: 730-737.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Estudio retrospectivo de casos de envenenamientos de animales de compañía y aves en el Sudeste de España. Revista de Toxicología 15: 105-109.
  • I. Navas, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Intoxicaciones accidentales e intencionadas en perros y gatos en el Sudeste de España (1994-1996). Revista de Toxicología 15: 110-113.
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  • Quadri-Adrogué A, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Seco-Pon JP, García GO, Miglioranza KSB. 2022. Feather mercury levels in beached Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) in northern Argentina during the breeding season. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 29: 24793–24801.
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Navas I. 2021. Water Quality and Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs). In K. Roy (ed), Chemometrics and Cheminformatics in Aquatic Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell onLine Library, ISBN-978-1119681595
  • Dulsat-Masvidal M, Lourenço R, Lacorte S, D’Amico M, Albayrak T, Andevski J, Aradis A, Baltag E, Berger-Tal O, Berny P, Choresh Y, Duke G, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, et al. 2021. A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a pan-European monitoring scheme of contaminants. Science of the Total Environment 793: 148599. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148599
  • López-Berenguer G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2021. High levels of heavy metals detected in feathers of an avian scavenger warn of a high pollution risk in the Atacama Desert (Chile). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81(2): 227-235 10-1007/s00244-021-00862-y
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro M, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. Wildlife poisoning: a novel scoring system and review of analytical methods for anticoagulant rodenticide determination. Ecotoxicology 30: 767-782.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, León-Ortega M, Botella F, Calvo JF, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Martínez JE, Navas I, Pérez-García JM, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Taliansky A, Van Den Brink N, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. A 25 years overview of the contaminant exposure and effects in Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) from southern Spain. AIRO 29: 145-167.
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  • Albertos S, Berenguer N, Sánchez-Virosta P, Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Valverde I, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Espín, S. 2020. Mercury exposure in birds linked to marine ecosystems in western Mediterranean. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 79: 435–453.
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  • Arrondo E, Navarro J, Pérez-García JM, Mateo R, Camarero PR, Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios RC, Jiménez-Moreno M, Cortés-Avizanda A, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Donázar JA. 2020. Dust and bullets: stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger. Environmental Pollution 266: 115022.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, León-Ortega M, Calvo JF, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Zumbado M, Luzardo, OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ, Espín S. 2020. Blood concentrations of 50 elements in Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) at different contamination scenarios and related effects on plasma vitamin levels. Environmental Pollution 265: 115012.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Blanco G, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Validation of multi-residue method for quantification of antibiotics and NSAIDS in avian scavengers by using small amounts of plasma in HPLC-MS-TOF. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 4058. doi:10.3390/ijerph17114058.
  • Badry A, Krone O, Jaspers VLB, Mateo R, García-Fernández AJ, Leivits M, Shore RF. 2020. Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: Identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring. Science of the Total Environment 731: 139198.
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zamora-Marín A, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Physiological effects of toxic elements on a wild nightjar species. Environmental Pollution 263: 114568
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  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2020. Temporal changes in metal concentrations in Andean condor feathers: a potential influence of volcanic activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(20): 25600-25611. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08981-0
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, Navas I, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Peñalver J, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Mercury and Organochlorine Pesticides in Tissues of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Southwestern Mediterranean Coastline (Andalusia, Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104: 559–567.
  • García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Ecotoxicologial Risk Assessment in the context of different EU Regulations. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 3-25,
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Martínez-López E, Navas I. 2020. Wildlife Sentinels for Human and Environmental Health Hazards in Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 77-94.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2020. Arsenic-related oxidative stress in experimentally dosed wild great tit nestlings. Environmental Pollution 259: 113813. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113813.
  • Aver GF, Espín S, dal Corno RDB, García-Fernández AJ, Petry MV. 2020. Organochlorine pesticides in feathers of three raptor species in southern Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 5971-5980. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-07370-6
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Ferreras P, García-Fernández AJ, Mateo R. 2020. Conditioned food aversion in domestic dogs induced by thiram. Pest Management Science 76: 568-574 DOI: 10.1002/ps.5548 .
  • AJ García-Fernández & Navas I. 2019. Riesgos Tóxicos de la Munición de Plomo y sus Alternativas en la Actividad Cinegética. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • AJ García-Fernández, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Valverde I, Hernández EA. 2019. Plomo en productos cárnicos de caza mayor: Estimación de riesgos por su consumo. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Lara L, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Hg and Se in organs of three cetacean species from the Murcia coastline (Mediterranean Sea). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 103(4): 521-527. doi:10.1007/s00128-019-02697-9
  • Movalli P, Duke G, Ramello G, Dekker R, Vrezec A, Shore RF, García-Fernández AJ, …, Espín S, …, Gómez-Ramírez P, …, Martínez-López E, …, Sánchez-Virosta P, et al. 2019. Progress on bringing together raptor collections in Europe for contaminant research and monitoring in relation to chemicals regulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(20): 20132-20136. doi:10.1007/s11356-019-05340-6. Correction in doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06137-3
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Escriña A, Lara L, Gens MJ, MaríaDolores E, Alcaraz A, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Trace metals in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded along the Murcia coastline, Mediterranean Sea, during the period 2009-2015. Chemosphere 229: 580-588. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control. Behavioural Processes 166: 103905.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Pérez-García JM, León-Ortega M, Martínez E, Calvo F, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Botella F, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Spatio-temporal variations of organochlorine pesticides in an apex predator: Influence of government regulations and farming practices. Environmental Research 176: 108543. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108543.
  • Rosell J, Barragán A, Carbonell MD, Gerique C, Fernández M, Pérez V, García-Fernández AJ, Casares M, Viana D, Selva L, Ortega J, Corpa JM. 2018. Ulcerative dermatitis and septicemia associated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Citrobacter braakii co-infection in a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association – JAVMA – Pathology in Practice 255 (12): 1249-1252. 10.2460/javma.255.12.1349
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Gil JM, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Lead exposure in Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna): tracking the success of the Pb shot ban for hunting in Spanish wetlands. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 106: 147-151.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, María-Mojica P, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Conditioned food aversion mediated by odour cue and microencapsulated levamisole to avoid predation by canids. European Journal of Wildlife Research  65: 32.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2019. From Mexico to the Beagle Channel: A review of metal and metalloid pollution studies on wildlife species in Latin America.  Environmental Research 176: 108462. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.04.029.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruiz S,  Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2019. Effects of calcium supplementation on oxidative status and oxidative damage in great tit nestlings inhabiting a metal-polluted area. Environmental Research 171: 484–492.
  • Pedrazzani R, Bertanza G, Brnardić I, Cetecioglu Z, Dries J, Dvarionienė J, García-Fernández AJ, Langenhoff A, Libralato G, Lofrano G, Škrbić B, Martínez-López E, Meriç S, Mutavdžić Pavlović D, Papa M, Schröder P, Tsagarakis KP, Vogelsang C. 2019. Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: toxicity assessment in a European perspective. Science of the Total Environment 651: 3202–3221.
  • Di Marzio A, Gómez-Ramírez P, Barbar F, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2018. Mercury in the feathers of bird scavengers from two areas of Patagonia (Argentina) under the influence of different anthropogenic activities: a preliminary study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 25(14): 13906-13915. doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-1333-7.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez-Montalbán P, Delgado D, Martínez-López E, María-Mojica P, Godino A, García-Fernández AJ. 2018. Development of a QUECHERS method for simultaneous analysis of antibiotics in carcasses for supplementary feeding of endangered vultures. Science of the Total Environment 626: 319-327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.060
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Salminen J-P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2018. Experimental manipulation of dietary arsenic levels in great tit nestlings: Accumulation pattern and effects on growth, survival and plasma biochemistry. Environmental Pollution 233: 764-773.
  • Gil-Sánchez JM, Molleda S, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Bautista J, Navas I, Godinho R, García-Fernández AJ, Moleón M. 2018. Front sport hunting to breeding success: Patterns of lead ammunition ingestion and its effects on an endangered raptor. Science of the Total Environment 613-614: 483-491. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.069. 
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2017. A microplate adaptation of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay to determine lipid peroxidation fluorometrically in small sample volumes. Revista de Toxicología 34 (2): 94-98.
  • AJ García-Fernández. 2017. Blood lead concentrations for use as threshold levels for decision-making to minimize the effects of lead exposure in raptors.   Link DIGITUM
  • Tatay E, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, Ruíz MJ. 2017. Estrogenic activity of zearalenone, α-zearalenol, and β-zearalenol assessed using the E-screen assay in MCF-7 cells. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 28(4): 239-242.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Bustnes JO, Eulaers I, Herzke D, Johnsen TV, Lepoint G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Jaspers VLB. 2017. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in plasma and feathers of nestling birds of prey from northern Norway. Environmental Research 158: 277-285. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.019.
  • Dolan, K., T.M. Ciesielski, S. Lierhagen, I. Eulaers, T. Nygård, T.V. Johnsen, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández, J.O. Bustnes, M. Ortiz-Santaliestra, V.L. Jaspers. 2017. Trace element concentrations in feathers and blood of Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nestlings from Norway and Spain. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 564-571. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.06.062.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. Gómez-Ramírez, S. Espín, M.P. Aldeguer, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Influence of a former mining area in the heavy metals concentrations in blood of free-living Mediterranean pond turtles (Mauremys leprosa). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99(2): 167-172. doi: 10.1007/s00128-017-2122-6.
  • Tatay, E., S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, M.J. Ruíz. 2017. Oxidative damage and disturbance of antioxidant capacity by zearalenone and its metabolites in human cells. Toxicology in vitro 45: 334-339. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.04.026.
  • Taliansky-Chamudis, A., P. Gómez-Ramírez, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2017) Validation of a QuECheRS method for analysis of neonicotinoids in small volumes of blood and assessment of exposure in Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) nestlings. Science of the Total Environment 595: 93-100. doi. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.246.
  • Lisón, F., S. Espín, B. Aroca, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Assessment of mercury exposure in Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from southeastern Iberian Peninsula: Maternal-fetal transfer. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 24(6): 5497-5508. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8271-z.
  • Belando, M.D., A. Marín, M. Aboal, A.J. García-Fernández, L. Marín-Guirao. 2017. Combined in situ effects of metals and nutrients on marine biofilms: Shifts in the diatom assemblage structure and biological traits. Science of the Total Environment 574: 381-389 doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016. 08.197.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, S. Espín, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, J.M. Pérez-García, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Haematocrit and blood biochemical parameters in free-living Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) from Southeastern Spain: Study of age and sex differences. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62(5): 557-564. (DOI 10.1007/s10344-016-1028-7)
  • Espín, S., A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coeurdassier, I. Eulers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2016) Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors – what types of samples should we use. Ecotoxicology 25(4): 777-801 (DOI 10.1007/s10646-016-1636-8).
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Interspecific differences in the antioxidant capacity of two Laridae species exposed to metals. Environmental Research International 147: 115-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.01.029
  • Martínez-López E, S. Espín, F. Barbar, S.A. Lambertucci, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández (2015) Contaminants in the southern tip of South America: Analysis of organochlorine in feathers of avian scavengers from Argentinean Patagonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 115: 83-92.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, T. Eeva (2015) A review on exposure and effects of arsenic in passerine birds. Science of the Total Environment 512-513: 506-525.
  • Espín S, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, AGarcía-Fernández AJ (2015) Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (d-ALAD) activity in four free-living bird species exposed to different levels of lead under natural conditions. Environmental Research 137: 185-198.
  • Espin S, A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coerudassier, I. Eulaers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2014) SAMPLING AND CONTAMINANT MONITORING PROTOCOL FOR RAPTORS. Research Networking Programme-EURAPMON. Available on EURAPMON website ( December 2014.
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  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Oxidative stress biomarkers in Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) in three different scenarios of heavy metal exposure. Environmental Research 131: 134-144.
  • Martínez-López, S., M.J. Martínez-Sánchez, C. Pérez-Sirvent, J. Bech, M.C. Gómez-Mártinez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Screening of wild plants for use in the phytorremediation of mining-influenced soils containing arsenic in semiarid environments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14:794-809.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Effects of heavy metals on biomarkers for oxidative stress in Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). Environmental Research 129: 59-68.
  • Hernández-García, A., D. Romero, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) In vitro evaluation of cell death induced by cadmium, lead and their binary mixtures on erythrocytes of Common buzzard (Buteo buteo). Toxicology in vitro 28: 300-306.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Factors that influence mercury concentrations in nestling Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo). Science of the Total Environment 470-471: 1132-1139
  • García-Fernández A.J. (2014) Avian Ecotoxicology. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion, vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 289-294.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Diazoaminobenzene. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 57-59.
  • García-Fernández A.J. and I. Navas (2014) Bromethalin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 552-556.
  • Espín S., and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Azathioprine. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 347-350.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Propachlor. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 1082-1085.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Fenvalerate. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. Elsevier. DOI10.1016/B978-0-12-386454-3.00506-6 (in press)
  • Espín S. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Nitrapyrin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 519-522.
  • Gómez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Mecoprop. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 176-179.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., S. Espín, P. Gómez and E. Martínez-López (2014) Oxalates. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 730-734.
  • García-Fernández A.J., S. Espín and E. Martínez-López (2013) Feather as biomonitoring tool of polyhalogenated compounds: a review. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (7): 3028–3043
  • García-Fernández A.J. and E. Martínez-López (2012) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. In F. Omil Prieto and S. Suárez Martínez (eds). Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A modification of QuEChERS method to analyse anticoagulant rodenticides using small blood samples. Revista de Toxicología 29: 10-14.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramirez, J.F. Calvo, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) DDT residues in breeding population of booted eagle (Aquila pennata) associated with agricultural land practices. In A. Adams (ed) The Impact of Pesticides. AcademyPublish, 296-311 . ISBN: 978-0-9835850-9-1.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbills (Alca torda) as bioindicators of mercury pollution in the southwestern Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64(11): 2461-2470.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández, A.J. Zweers, N.W. van den Brink (2012) Organohalogen exposure in a Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) population from southeastern Spain: Temporal-spatial trends and risk assessment. Chemosphere 88(8): 903-911.
  • García-Fernández, I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2012) Monitorización de contaminantes ambientales persistentes en rapaces forestales de España: exposición y efectos. En Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecología y Conservación de las Rapaces Forestales Europeas. 337-356 ISBN: 978-84-7752-487-8.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbill (Alca torda) feathers as an alternative tool for evaluating exposure to organochlorine pesticides. Ecotoxicology 21(1):183-90.
  • Tagliati, C.A., D. Romero, E.C.R. Dutra, A. Hernández-García, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A comparison of BGM and LLC-PK1 cells for the evaluation of nephrotoxicity. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 35(3): 258-263.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2011) Monitoring of persistent environmental contaminants in forest raptors in Spain: exposure and effects. In Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecology and Conservation of European Forest-Dwelling Raptors. 337-350 ISBN: 978-84-7752-489-2.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2011) Blood lead levels and δ-ALAD inhibition in nestlings of Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) to assess lead exposure associated to an abandoned mining area. Ecotoxicology 20: 131-138.
  • A.J. García-Fernández and E. Martínez-López (2010) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. Chapter 13th, in F. Omil y S. Suárez (eds) Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. 247-272. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Assessment of organochlorine pesticide exposure in a wintering population of razorbills (Alca torda) from the southwestern Mediterranean. Chemosphere 80(10): 1190-1198.
  • E. Martínez-López, A.R. Sousa, P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramírez, L. Guilhermino, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Blood, δ-ALAD, lead and cadmium concentrations in spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca) from Southeastern Spain and Northern Africa. Ecotoxicology 19(4): 670-677.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2010) Adecuación e idoneidad de los contenidos de la asignatura de Toxicología para el perfil profesional del egresado veterinario. Revista de Toxicología 27: 51-56.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez- López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Desarrollo de un método analítico para la extracción de pesticidas organoclorados de plumas. Anales de Veterinaria 26: 77-90.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. Gómez-Ramírez, E. Martínez-López, A. Hernández-García, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, P. Jiménez, J.J. Castillo, J.J. Bellido (2009) Heavy metals in tissues from loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Southwestern Mediterranean (Spain). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2): 557-563.
  • D. Romero, A. Hernández-García, C. Tagliati, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Cadmium and lead induced apoptosis in mallard erythrocytes (Anas platyrhynchos). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):37-44.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Changes in blood pesticide levels in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) associated with agricultural land practices. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):45-50.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.F. Calvo, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez (2008) Raptor ecotoxicology in Spain: a review on environmental persistent contaminants. AMBIO-Journal of the Human Environment 37: 432-439.
  • M. Martínez-Haro, R. Mateo, R. Guitart, F. Soler, M. Pérez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2008) Relationship of the toxicity of pesticide formulations and their commercial restrictions with the frequency of animal poisonings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69(3): 396-402.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, J. Wright, R.F. Shore, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Organochlorine residues in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) and goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) eggs from south-eastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(11): 2378-2378.
  • D. Romero, J.A. García-Navarro, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Revisión de la legislación veterinaria de interés y uso en mataderos. Alimentaria 386: 73-78.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, J. Lloret, A. Marín, G. García, A.J. García Fernández (2007) Pulse-discharges of mining wastes into a coastal lagoon during torrential rains in a semiarid European region: water chemistry and associated toxicity. Chemical Ecology 23(3): 217-231.
  • D. Romero E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Alteraciones anatomo-patológicas en un flamenco común (Phoenicopterus roseus) por intoxicación aguda por plomo. Revista de Toxicología 24(1): 52-55.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2007) La Veterinaria Legal y la Deontología en España. Actualidad Veterinaria 82: 26-30.
  • D. Romero, J. Peñalver y A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Perdigones de plomo y aves cinegéticas: un problema de salud pública. Información Veterinaria 4: 11-15.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, C. Gerique, P. Jiménez, A.J. García Fernández (2006) Detection of strychnine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the carcass of a Bonelli´s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus). The Veterinary Record 159(6):182-3.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, I. Navas, A. Hernández-García, P. Gómez-Ramírez (2006) Aspectos clínicos y forenses del envenenamiento de aves silvestres: diferencias entre aldicarb y estricnina. Revista de Toxicología 23(1): 44-48.
  • D. Romero, Quesada, E., Sogorb, M.A., García-Fernandez, A.J., Vilanova, E., Carrera, V. (2006) Comparison of chromaffin cells from several animal sources for their use as an in vitro model to study the mechanism of organophosphorous toxicity. Toxicology Letters 165: 221-229.
  • A.J. García-Fernández y F. Soler Rodríguez  (2006) Riesgos tóxicos por consumo de carne de caza. En: A. Cameán y M. Repetto, Toxicología Alimentaria. Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 413-436.
  • D. Romero, Martínez-López E., García-Fernández A.J. (2006) Valoración de las alteraciones provocadas por diferentes agentes tóxicos sobre Daphnia magna a través de un ensayo “on line”. Revista de Toxicología 23: 113-117.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) Characterization of putrescine uptake in Hamster Amelanocytic Melanoma AMel-3 Cells. Molecular and Cells 20(1): 127-135.
  • A.J. García-Fernandez, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) High levels of blood lead in griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) from «Cazorla» Natural Park (Southern Spain). Environmental Toxicology 20(4): 459-463.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, A. Marín-Atucha, J. Lloret, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Effects of mining wastes on a seagrass ecosystem: metal accumulation and bioavailability, seagrass dynamics and associated community structure. Marine Environmental Research 60: 317-337.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Cadmium in feathers of adults and blood of nestlings of three raptor species from a non-polluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 477-484.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, M. Pulido, P. María-Mojica (2005) Environmental lead exposure in European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) from southeastern Spain: Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 314-319.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2004) Convulsionantes: estricnina, metaldehído, escilirósido y crimidina. Consulta de Difusión Veterinaria 12: 49-58.
  • E. Martínez-López, J.E. Martínez, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, M. Pulido, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Lead in feathers and d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in three raptor species from an unpolluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47: 270-275.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Comparison of cytopathological changes induced by mercury chloride exposure in renal cell lines (VERO and BGM). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 17: 129-141.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2004) Morphological characterisation of renal cell line (BGM and VERO) exposed to low doses of lead nitrate. Histology and Histopathology 19: 69-76.
  • S.B. Abdel-Ghani, E. Martínez-López, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Balaña-Fouce and D. Ordóñez (2004) Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of four insect pheromones in CHO-K1 cells. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73: 963-970.
  • D. Romero, E. Martínez-López y A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Los métodos alternativos a la experimentación animal. Portal Veterinaria 21-10-2004.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna (2003) Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations on the blood lead concentrations in Murciano-Granadina goats from Murcia Region (SE Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70: 1178-1183.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2003) Morphological characterization of BGM cell line exposed to low doses of cadmium chloride. Toxicology in vitro 17: 293-299.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2003) Guía Legislativa de interés veterinario: sanidad animal y salud pública. ISBN 84-932537-3-1. Ed. JMC. 1-219.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez, I. Navas and A.J. García Fernández (2003) Intentional poisoning of animals in southeastern Spain: a review of the Veterinary Toxicology Service from Murcia (Spain). Veterinary and Human Toxicology 45: 47-50.
  • A.J. García Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, D. Romero, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Changes in glutathione-redox balance induced by hexachlorocyclo-hexane and lindane in CHO-K1 cells. Xenobiotica 32: 1007-1016.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, M. Motas, R.M. Reguera, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Alterations of the glutathione-redox balance induced by metals in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 132: 365-373.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2002. Anales de Veterinaria.
  • D. Romero, M. Motas, A.J. García Fernández (2002) Mercancia frente a producto: competencia veterinaria en comercio intracomunitario y con terceros países. Actualidad Veterinaria 25: 24-34.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Animales envenenados: La experiencia de 10 años del Servicio de Toxicología de la Universidad de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 81-90.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2001. MU-1951-2002: 1-107.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez-Torrecillas, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Pluma de águila calzada (Hiearaaetus pennatus) como unidad biomonitora de la exposición a metales pesados. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 69-74. 
  • M. Wayland, A.J. García Fernández, N. Neugebauer, H.G. Gilchrist  (2001) Concentrations of cadmium, mercury and selenium in blood, liver and kidney of common eider ducks from the Canadian artic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 71: 255-267.
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García Fernández, C. Ordóñez, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, J.C. Cubría, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez  (2001) Cyclodiene organochlorine insecticide-induced alterations in the sulfur-redox cycle in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 130: 315-323 .
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Fett, J.C. Cubría, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñe  (2000) Evaluation of basal cytotoxicity of organochlorine insecticides by in vitro alternative methods using BF-2 and RTG-2 fish cell lines. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Restoration 3: 81-86.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Utilidad de la línea celular de origen tumoral A-Mel-3 en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados. Revista de Toxicología 17: 133-139.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Comparación de dos métodos colorimétricos en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados en cultivos de células renales. Revista de Toxicología 17: 91-95.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J. Peñalver, P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2000) Lipid peroxides in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) as biomarker of environmental exposure to heavy metals and organochlorine residues. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 416-420.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2000) Influence of the age, sex and nutritional status on organochlorine levels in tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) from South-Western Mediterranean. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 433-437.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández (2000) Lead and cadmium in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) stranded on the coast of Andalusia (SW Mediaterranean): Influence of biological factors. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 421-426.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, A. Barba, I. Navas, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados en cernícalo común (Falco tinnunculus) de la Región de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 16: 55-66.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia del sexo, la edad y la estación del año sobre las concentraciones de DDE hepático en cernícalos vulgares (Falco tinnunculus). En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”- Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 169-174.
  • P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia de la exposición al plomo en el brote de botulismo en aves acuáticas en el Parque Natural «El Hondo» en 1997. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 175-180.
  • A.J. García Fernández y P. María-Mojica  (2000) Contaminantes ambientales y su repercusión sobre la fauna silvestre. Programas de biomonitorización. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 215-224.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2000) El plumbismo como causa de muerte en aves acuáticas. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 181-188.
Previo a 2000
    • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero (1999) Sunflower meal as cause of chronic copper poisoning in lambs in Southeastern Spain. Canadian Veterinary Journal 40: 799-801.
    • AE. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, C. Ordóñez, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1999) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad de metales in vitro en las líneas celulares de peces BF-2 y RTG-2 por dos métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 16(2): 17-21.
    • D. Santiago, M. Motas, A. Reja, P. María-Mojica, B. Rodero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Lead and cadmium in red deer and wild boar from Sierra Morena (Andalusia). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61: 730-737.
    • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Estudio retrospectivo de casos de envenenamientos de animales de compañía y aves en el Sudeste de España. Revista de Toxicología 15: 105-109.
    • I. Navas, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Intoxicaciones accidentales e intencionadas en perros y gatos en el Sudeste de España (1994-1996). Revista de Toxicología 15: 110-113.
    • D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, P. Muñoz-Ramos, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Comparación de las técnicas colorimétricas MTT-tetrazolio y Rojo Neutro sobre el efecto citotóxico del cadmio en líneas celulares renales. Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica 20: 93-95.
    • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1998) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad in vitro de insecticidas organoclorados y metales en la línea celular CHO-K1 usando cuatro métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 15: 73-78.
    • P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero, I. Riboni, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Residuos de DDT y derivados en aves rapaces nocturnas del Sudeste de España. Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica 20: 367-368.
    • A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Impregnación por plomo y cadmio en aves silvestres de la Región de Murcia (1994). Tesis Doctorales 98. Universidad de Murcia. ISBN 84-7684-873-0. Servicios Publicaciones. Universidad de Murcia.
    • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A. Luna, J.A. Sánchez-García (1997) Environmental exposure and distribution of lead in four species of raptors in southeastern Spain. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33: 76-82.
    • A.J. García-Fernández, J.A. Sánchez, M. Gómez, A. Luna (1996) Distribution of cadmium in blood and tissues of wild birds. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30: 252-258.
    • I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Johnson, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1996) Structural determinants of putrescine uptake inhibition produced by cationic diamidines in the model of Trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculate. Biological Chemistry 377: 833-836.
    • A.J. García-Fernández, J.A. Sánchez, P. Jiménez, A. Luna (1995) Lead and Cadmium in wild birds in Southeastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14: 2049-2058.
    • M.J. Cubero, L. León, A. Contreras, R. Astorga, I. Lanza, A.J. García-Fernández (1993) Transmissible gastroenteritis in pigs in south east Spain: prevalence and factors associated with infection. The Veterinary Record 132: 238-241.
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  • Blanco G, Gómez-Ramírez P, Lambertucci SA, Wiemeyer GM, Plaza PI, Hiraldo F, Donázar JA, Sánchez-Zapata JA, García-Fernández AJ. 2023. Unexpected exposure to Andean condors to pharmaceutical mixtures. Biological Conservation (accepted)
  • Movalli P, Koschorreck J, Treu G, Slobodnik J, Alygizakis N, Androulakakis A, Badry A, Baltag E, Barbahli F, Bauer K, Biesmeijer K, Borgo E, Cincinelli A, Claben D, Danielsson S, Dekker RWRJ, Dietz R, Eens M, Espín S, Eulaers I, Frahnert S, Fuiz TI, García-Fernández AJ, ….. Duke G. 2022. The role of natural science collections in the biomonitoring of environmental contaminants in apex predators in support of the EU’s zero pollution ambition. Environmental Sciences Europe 34: 88.
  • Roque I, Lourenço R, Marques A, Martínez-López E, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Roulin A, Rabaça JE. 2022. A first record of organochlorine pesticides in Barn owls (Tyto alba) from Portugal: Assessing trends from variation in feather and liver concentrations. Bulletion of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 109: 436–442.
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Berny P. 2022. Developing a European network of analytical laboratories and government institutions to prevent poisoning raptors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194: 113
  • Quadri-Adrogué A, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Seco-Pon JP, García GO, Miglioranza KSB. 2022. Feather mercury levels in beached Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) in northern Argentina during the breeding season. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 29: 24793–24801.
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Navas I. 2021. Water Quality and Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs). In K. Roy (ed), Chemometrics and Cheminformatics in Aquatic Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell onLine Library, ISBN-978-1119681595
  • Dulsat-Masvidal M, Lourenço R, Lacorte S, D’Amico M, Albayrak T, Andevski J, Aradis A, Baltag E, Berger-Tal O, Berny P, Choresh Y, Duke G, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, et al. 2021. A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a pan-European monitoring scheme of contaminants. Science of the Total Environment 793: 148599. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148599
  • López-Berenguer G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2021. High levels of heavy metals detected in feathers of an avian scavenger warn of a high pollution risk in the Atacama Desert (Chile). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81(2): 227-235 10-1007/s00244-021-00862-y
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro M, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. Wildlife poisoning: a novel scoring system and review of analytical methods for anticoagulant rodenticide determination. Ecotoxicology 30: 767-782.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, León-Ortega M, Botella F, Calvo JF, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Martínez JE, Navas I, Pérez-García JM, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Taliansky A, Van Den Brink N, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. A 25 years overview of the contaminant exposure and effects in Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) from southern Spain. AIRO 29: 145-167.
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, Sánchez-Virosta P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Temporal persistence of bromadiolone in decomposing bodies fo common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Toxics 8(4): 98 (1-14) doi:10.3390/toxics8040098
  • Valverde I, Espín S, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Protocol to classify the stages of carcasses decomposition and estimate the time of death in small-size raptors. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66: 93. doi:10.1007/s10344-020-01429-3.
  • Albertos S, Berenguer N, Sánchez-Virosta P, Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Valverde I, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Espín, S. 2020. Mercury exposure in birds linked to marine ecosystems in western Mediterranean. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 79: 435–453.
  • Espín S, Andevski J, Duke G, Eulaers I, Gómez-Ramírez P, Hallgrimsson GT, Helander B, Herzke D, Jaspers V, Krone O, Lourenço R, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, Mateo R, Movalli P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Shore RF, Sonne C, van den Brink N, van Hattum B, Wernham C, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. A schematic sampling protocol for contaminant monitoring in raptors. Ambio (published online 12 May 2020).
  • Arrondo E, Navarro J, Pérez-García JM, Mateo R, Camarero PR, Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios RC, Jiménez-Moreno M, Cortés-Avizanda A, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Donázar JA. 2020. Dust and bullets: stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger. Environmental Pollution 266: 115022.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, León-Ortega M, Calvo JF, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Zumbado M, Luzardo, OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ, Espín S. 2020. Blood concentrations of 50 elements in Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) at different contamination scenarios and related effects on plasma vitamin levels. Environmental Pollution 265: 115012.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Blanco G, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Validation of multi-residue method for quantification of antibiotics and NSAIDS in avian scavengers by using small amounts of plasma in HPLC-MS-TOF. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 4058. doi:10.3390/ijerph17114058.
  • Badry A, Krone O, Jaspers VLB, Mateo R, García-Fernández AJ, Leivits M, Shore RF. 2020. Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: Identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring. Science of the Total Environment 731: 139198.
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zamora-Marín A, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Physiological effects of toxic elements on a wild nightjar species. Environmental Pollution 263: 114568
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zumbado M, Luzardo OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Toxic elements in blood of red-necked nightjars (Caprimulgus ruficollis) inhabiting differently polluted environments. Environmental Pollution 262: 114334.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2020. Temporal changes in metal concentrations in Andean condor feathers: a potential influence of volcanic activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(20): 25600-25611. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08981-0
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, Navas I, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Peñalver J, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Mercury and Organochlorine Pesticides in Tissues of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Southwestern Mediterranean Coastline (Andalusia, Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104: 559–567.
  • García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Ecotoxicologial Risk Assessment in the context of different EU Regulations. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 3-25,
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Martínez-López E, Navas I. 2020. Wildlife Sentinels for Human and Environmental Health Hazards in Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 77-94.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2020. Arsenic-related oxidative stress in experimentally dosed wild great tit nestlings. Environmental Pollution 259: 113813. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113813.
  • Aver GF, Espín S, dal Corno RDB, García-Fernández AJ, Petry MV. 2020. Organochlorine pesticides in feathers of three raptor species in southern Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 5971-5980. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-07370-6
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Ferreras P, García-Fernández AJ, Mateo R. 2020. Conditioned food aversion in domestic dogs induced by thiram. Pest Management Science 76: 568-574 DOI: 10.1002/ps.5548 .
  • AJ García-Fernández & Navas I. 2019. Riesgos Tóxicos de la Munición de Plomo y sus Alternativas en la Actividad Cinegética. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • AJ García-Fernández, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Valverde I, Hernández EA. 2019. Plomo en productos cárnicos de caza mayor: Estimación de riesgos por su consumo. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Lara L, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Hg and Se in organs of three cetacean species from the Murcia coastline (Mediterranean Sea). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 103(4): 521-527. doi:10.1007/s00128-019-02697-9
  • Movalli P, Duke G, Ramello G, Dekker R, Vrezec A, Shore RF, García-Fernández AJ, …, Espín S, …, Gómez-Ramírez P, …, Martínez-López E, …, Sánchez-Virosta P, et al. 2019. Progress on bringing together raptor collections in Europe for contaminant research and monitoring in relation to chemicals regulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(20): 20132-20136. doi:10.1007/s11356-019-05340-6. Correction in doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06137-3
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Escriña A, Lara L, Gens MJ, MaríaDolores E, Alcaraz A, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Trace metals in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded along the Murcia coastline, Mediterranean Sea, during the period 2009-2015. Chemosphere 229: 580-588. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control. Behavioural Processes 166: 103905.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Pérez-García JM, León-Ortega M, Martínez E, Calvo F, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Botella F, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Spatio-temporal variations of organochlorine pesticides in an apex predator: Influence of government regulations and farming practices. Environmental Research 176: 108543. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108543.
  • Rosell J, Barragán A, Carbonell MD, Gerique C, Fernández M, Pérez V, García-Fernández AJ, Casares M, Viana D, Selva L, Ortega J, Corpa JM. 2018. Ulcerative dermatitis and septicemia associated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Citrobacter braakii co-infection in a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association – JAVMA – Pathology in Practice 255 (12): 1249-1252. 10.2460/javma.255.12.1349
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Gil JM, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Lead exposure in Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna): tracking the success of the Pb shot ban for hunting in Spanish wetlands. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 106: 147-151.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, María-Mojica P, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Conditioned food aversion mediated by odour cue and microencapsulated levamisole to avoid predation by canids. European Journal of Wildlife Research  65: 32.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2019. From Mexico to the Beagle Channel: A review of metal and metalloid pollution studies on wildlife species in Latin America.  Environmental Research 176: 108462. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.04.029.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruiz S,  Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2019. Effects of calcium supplementation on oxidative status and oxidative damage in great tit nestlings inhabiting a metal-polluted area. Environmental Research 171: 484–492.
  • Pedrazzani R, Bertanza G, Brnardić I, Cetecioglu Z, Dries J, Dvarionienė J, García-Fernández AJ, Langenhoff A, Libralato G, Lofrano G, Škrbić B, Martínez-López E, Meriç S, Mutavdžić Pavlović D, Papa M, Schröder P, Tsagarakis KP, Vogelsang C. 2019. Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: toxicity assessment in a European perspective. Science of the Total Environment 651: 3202–3221.
  • Di Marzio A, Gómez-Ramírez P, Barbar F, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2018. Mercury in the feathers of bird scavengers from two areas of Patagonia (Argentina) under the influence of different anthropogenic activities: a preliminary study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 25(14): 13906-13915. doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-1333-7.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez-Montalbán P, Delgado D, Martínez-López E, María-Mojica P, Godino A, García-Fernández AJ. 2018. Development of a QUECHERS method for simultaneous analysis of antibiotics in carcasses for supplementary feeding of endangered vultures. Science of the Total Environment 626: 319-327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.060
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Salminen J-P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2018. Experimental manipulation of dietary arsenic levels in great tit nestlings: Accumulation pattern and effects on growth, survival and plasma biochemistry. Environmental Pollution 233: 764-773.
  • Gil-Sánchez JM, Molleda S, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Bautista J, Navas I, Godinho R, García-Fernández AJ, Moleón M. 2018. Front sport hunting to breeding success: Patterns of lead ammunition ingestion and its effects on an endangered raptor. Science of the Total Environment 613-614: 483-491. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.069. 
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2017. A microplate adaptation of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay to determine lipid peroxidation fluorometrically in small sample volumes. Revista de Toxicología 34 (2): 94-98.
  • AJ García-Fernández. 2017. Blood lead concentrations for use as threshold levels for decision-making to minimize the effects of lead exposure in raptors.   Link DIGITUM
  • Tatay E, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, Ruíz MJ. 2017. Estrogenic activity of zearalenone, α-zearalenol, and β-zearalenol assessed using the E-screen assay in MCF-7 cells. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 28(4): 239-242.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Bustnes JO, Eulaers I, Herzke D, Johnsen TV, Lepoint G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Jaspers VLB. 2017. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in plasma and feathers of nestling birds of prey from northern Norway. Environmental Research 158: 277-285. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.019.
  • Dolan, K., T.M. Ciesielski, S. Lierhagen, I. Eulaers, T. Nygård, T.V. Johnsen, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández, J.O. Bustnes, M. Ortiz-Santaliestra, V.L. Jaspers. 2017. Trace element concentrations in feathers and blood of Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nestlings from Norway and Spain. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 564-571. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.06.062.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. Gómez-Ramírez, S. Espín, M.P. Aldeguer, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Influence of a former mining area in the heavy metals concentrations in blood of free-living Mediterranean pond turtles (Mauremys leprosa). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99(2): 167-172. doi: 10.1007/s00128-017-2122-6.
  • Tatay, E., S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, M.J. Ruíz. 2017. Oxidative damage and disturbance of antioxidant capacity by zearalenone and its metabolites in human cells. Toxicology in vitro 45: 334-339. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.04.026.
  • Taliansky-Chamudis, A., P. Gómez-Ramírez, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2017) Validation of a QuECheRS method for analysis of neonicotinoids in small volumes of blood and assessment of exposure in Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) nestlings. Science of the Total Environment 595: 93-100. doi. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.246.
  • Lisón, F., S. Espín, B. Aroca, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Assessment of mercury exposure in Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from southeastern Iberian Peninsula: Maternal-fetal transfer. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 24(6): 5497-5508. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8271-z.
  • Belando, M.D., A. Marín, M. Aboal, A.J. García-Fernández, L. Marín-Guirao. 2017. Combined in situ effects of metals and nutrients on marine biofilms: Shifts in the diatom assemblage structure and biological traits. Science of the Total Environment 574: 381-389 doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016. 08.197.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, S. Espín, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, J.M. Pérez-García, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Haematocrit and blood biochemical parameters in free-living Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) from Southeastern Spain: Study of age and sex differences. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62(5): 557-564. (DOI 10.1007/s10344-016-1028-7)
  • Espín, S., A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coeurdassier, I. Eulers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2016) Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors – what types of samples should we use. Ecotoxicology 25(4): 777-801 (DOI 10.1007/s10646-016-1636-8).
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Interspecific differences in the antioxidant capacity of two Laridae species exposed to metals. Environmental Research International 147: 115-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.01.029
  • Martínez-López E, S. Espín, F. Barbar, S.A. Lambertucci, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández (2015) Contaminants in the southern tip of South America: Analysis of organochlorine in feathers of avian scavengers from Argentinean Patagonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 115: 83-92.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, T. Eeva (2015) A review on exposure and effects of arsenic in passerine birds. Science of the Total Environment 512-513: 506-525.
  • Espín S, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, AGarcía-Fernández AJ (2015) Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (d-ALAD) activity in four free-living bird species exposed to different levels of lead under natural conditions. Environmental Research 137: 185-198.
  • Espin S, A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coerudassier, I. Eulaers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2014) SAMPLING AND CONTAMINANT MONITORING PROTOCOL FOR RAPTORS. Research Networking Programme-EURAPMON. Available on EURAPMON website ( December 2014.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, R.F. Shore, N.W. van den Brink, B. van Hattum, J.O. Bustnes, G. Duke, C. Fritsch, A.J. García-Fernández, B.O. Helander, V. Jaspers, O. Krone, E. Martínez-López, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne (2014) An overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in Europe. Environment  International 67: 12-21.
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Oxidative stress biomarkers in Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) in three different scenarios of heavy metal exposure. Environmental Research 131: 134-144.
  • Martínez-López, S., M.J. Martínez-Sánchez, C. Pérez-Sirvent, J. Bech, M.C. Gómez-Mártinez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Screening of wild plants for use in the phytorremediation of mining-influenced soils containing arsenic in semiarid environments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14:794-809.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Effects of heavy metals on biomarkers for oxidative stress in Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). Environmental Research 129: 59-68.
  • Hernández-García, A., D. Romero, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) In vitro evaluation of cell death induced by cadmium, lead and their binary mixtures on erythrocytes of Common buzzard (Buteo buteo). Toxicology in vitro 28: 300-306.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Factors that influence mercury concentrations in nestling Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo). Science of the Total Environment 470-471: 1132-1139
  • García-Fernández A.J. (2014) Avian Ecotoxicology. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion, vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 289-294.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Diazoaminobenzene. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 57-59.
  • García-Fernández A.J. and I. Navas (2014) Bromethalin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 552-556.
  • Espín S., and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Azathioprine. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 347-350.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Propachlor. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 1082-1085.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Fenvalerate. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. Elsevier. DOI10.1016/B978-0-12-386454-3.00506-6 (in press)
  • Espín S. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Nitrapyrin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 519-522.
  • Gómez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Mecoprop. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 176-179.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., S. Espín, P. Gómez and E. Martínez-López (2014) Oxalates. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 730-734.
  • García-Fernández A.J., S. Espín and E. Martínez-López (2013) Feather as biomonitoring tool of polyhalogenated compounds: a review. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (7): 3028–3043
  • García-Fernández A.J. and E. Martínez-López (2012) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. In F. Omil Prieto and S. Suárez Martínez (eds). Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A modification of QuEChERS method to analyse anticoagulant rodenticides using small blood samples. Revista de Toxicología 29: 10-14.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramirez, J.F. Calvo, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) DDT residues in breeding population of booted eagle (Aquila pennata) associated with agricultural land practices. In A. Adams (ed) The Impact of Pesticides. AcademyPublish, 296-311 . ISBN: 978-0-9835850-9-1.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbills (Alca torda) as bioindicators of mercury pollution in the southwestern Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64(11): 2461-2470.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández, A.J. Zweers, N.W. van den Brink (2012) Organohalogen exposure in a Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) population from southeastern Spain: Temporal-spatial trends and risk assessment. Chemosphere 88(8): 903-911.
  • García-Fernández, I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2012) Monitorización de contaminantes ambientales persistentes en rapaces forestales de España: exposición y efectos. En Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecología y Conservación de las Rapaces Forestales Europeas. 337-356 ISBN: 978-84-7752-487-8.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbill (Alca torda) feathers as an alternative tool for evaluating exposure to organochlorine pesticides. Ecotoxicology 21(1):183-90.
  • Tagliati, C.A., D. Romero, E.C.R. Dutra, A. Hernández-García, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A comparison of BGM and LLC-PK1 cells for the evaluation of nephrotoxicity. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 35(3): 258-263.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2011) Monitoring of persistent environmental contaminants in forest raptors in Spain: exposure and effects. In Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecology and Conservation of European Forest-Dwelling Raptors. 337-350 ISBN: 978-84-7752-489-2.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2011) Blood lead levels and δ-ALAD inhibition in nestlings of Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) to assess lead exposure associated to an abandoned mining area. Ecotoxicology 20: 131-138.
  • A.J. García-Fernández and E. Martínez-López (2010) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. Chapter 13th, in F. Omil y S. Suárez (eds) Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. 247-272. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Assessment of organochlorine pesticide exposure in a wintering population of razorbills (Alca torda) from the southwestern Mediterranean. Chemosphere 80(10): 1190-1198.
  • E. Martínez-López, A.R. Sousa, P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramírez, L. Guilhermino, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Blood, δ-ALAD, lead and cadmium concentrations in spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca) from Southeastern Spain and Northern Africa. Ecotoxicology 19(4): 670-677.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2010) Adecuación e idoneidad de los contenidos de la asignatura de Toxicología para el perfil profesional del egresado veterinario. Revista de Toxicología 27: 51-56.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez- López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Desarrollo de un método analítico para la extracción de pesticidas organoclorados de plumas. Anales de Veterinaria 26: 77-90.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. Gómez-Ramírez, E. Martínez-López, A. Hernández-García, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, P. Jiménez, J.J. Castillo, J.J. Bellido (2009) Heavy metals in tissues from loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Southwestern Mediterranean (Spain). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2): 557-563.
  • D. Romero, A. Hernández-García, C. Tagliati, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Cadmium and lead induced apoptosis in mallard erythrocytes (Anas platyrhynchos). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):37-44.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Changes in blood pesticide levels in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) associated with agricultural land practices. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):45-50.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.F. Calvo, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez (2008) Raptor ecotoxicology in Spain: a review on environmental persistent contaminants. AMBIO-Journal of the Human Environment 37: 432-439.
  • M. Martínez-Haro, R. Mateo, R. Guitart, F. Soler, M. Pérez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2008) Relationship of the toxicity of pesticide formulations and their commercial restrictions with the frequency of animal poisonings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69(3): 396-402.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, J. Wright, R.F. Shore, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Organochlorine residues in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) and goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) eggs from south-eastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(11): 2378-2378.
  • D. Romero, J.A. García-Navarro, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Revisión de la legislación veterinaria de interés y uso en mataderos. Alimentaria 386: 73-78.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, J. Lloret, A. Marín, G. García, A.J. García Fernández (2007) Pulse-discharges of mining wastes into a coastal lagoon during torrential rains in a semiarid European region: water chemistry and associated toxicity. Chemical Ecology 23(3): 217-231.
  • D. Romero E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Alteraciones anatomo-patológicas en un flamenco común (Phoenicopterus roseus) por intoxicación aguda por plomo. Revista de Toxicología 24(1): 52-55.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2007) La Veterinaria Legal y la Deontología en España. Actualidad Veterinaria 82: 26-30.
  • D. Romero, J. Peñalver y A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Perdigones de plomo y aves cinegéticas: un problema de salud pública. Información Veterinaria 4: 11-15.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, C. Gerique, P. Jiménez, A.J. García Fernández (2006) Detection of strychnine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the carcass of a Bonelli´s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus). The Veterinary Record 159(6):182-3.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, I. Navas, A. Hernández-García, P. Gómez-Ramírez (2006) Aspectos clínicos y forenses del envenenamiento de aves silvestres: diferencias entre aldicarb y estricnina. Revista de Toxicología 23(1): 44-48.
  • D. Romero, Quesada, E., Sogorb, M.A., García-Fernandez, A.J., Vilanova, E., Carrera, V. (2006) Comparison of chromaffin cells from several animal sources for their use as an in vitro model to study the mechanism of organophosphorous toxicity. Toxicology Letters 165: 221-229.
  • A.J. García-Fernández y F. Soler Rodríguez  (2006) Riesgos tóxicos por consumo de carne de caza. En: A. Cameán y M. Repetto, Toxicología Alimentaria. Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 413-436.
  • D. Romero, Martínez-López E., García-Fernández A.J. (2006) Valoración de las alteraciones provocadas por diferentes agentes tóxicos sobre Daphnia magna a través de un ensayo “on line”. Revista de Toxicología 23: 113-117.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) Characterization of putrescine uptake in Hamster Amelanocytic Melanoma AMel-3 Cells. Molecular and Cells 20(1): 127-135.
  • A.J. García-Fernandez, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) High levels of blood lead in griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) from «Cazorla» Natural Park (Southern Spain). Environmental Toxicology 20(4): 459-463.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, A. Marín-Atucha, J. Lloret, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Effects of mining wastes on a seagrass ecosystem: metal accumulation and bioavailability, seagrass dynamics and associated community structure. Marine Environmental Research 60: 317-337.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Cadmium in feathers of adults and blood of nestlings of three raptor species from a non-polluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 477-484.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, M. Pulido, P. María-Mojica (2005) Environmental lead exposure in European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) from southeastern Spain: Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 314-319.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2004) Convulsionantes: estricnina, metaldehído, escilirósido y crimidina. Consulta de Difusión Veterinaria 12: 49-58.
  • E. Martínez-López, J.E. Martínez, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, M. Pulido, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Lead in feathers and d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in three raptor species from an unpolluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47: 270-275.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Comparison of cytopathological changes induced by mercury chloride exposure in renal cell lines (VERO and BGM). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 17: 129-141.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2004) Morphological characterisation of renal cell line (BGM and VERO) exposed to low doses of lead nitrate. Histology and Histopathology 19: 69-76.
  • S.B. Abdel-Ghani, E. Martínez-López, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Balaña-Fouce and D. Ordóñez (2004) Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of four insect pheromones in CHO-K1 cells. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73: 963-970.
  • D. Romero, E. Martínez-López y A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Los métodos alternativos a la experimentación animal. Portal Veterinaria 21-10-2004.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna (2003) Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations on the blood lead concentrations in Murciano-Granadina goats from Murcia Region (SE Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70: 1178-1183.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2003) Morphological characterization of BGM cell line exposed to low doses of cadmium chloride. Toxicology in vitro 17: 293-299.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2003) Guía Legislativa de interés veterinario: sanidad animal y salud pública. ISBN 84-932537-3-1. Ed. JMC. 1-219.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez, I. Navas and A.J. García Fernández (2003) Intentional poisoning of animals in southeastern Spain: a review of the Veterinary Toxicology Service from Murcia (Spain). Veterinary and Human Toxicology 45: 47-50.
  • A.J. García Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, D. Romero, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Changes in glutathione-redox balance induced by hexachlorocyclo-hexane and lindane in CHO-K1 cells. Xenobiotica 32: 1007-1016.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, M. Motas, R.M. Reguera, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Alterations of the glutathione-redox balance induced by metals in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 132: 365-373.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2002. Anales de Veterinaria.
  • D. Romero, M. Motas, A.J. García Fernández (2002) Mercancia frente a producto: competencia veterinaria en comercio intracomunitario y con terceros países. Actualidad Veterinaria 25: 24-34.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Animales envenenados: La experiencia de 10 años del Servicio de Toxicología de la Universidad de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 81-90.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2001. MU-1951-2002: 1-107.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez-Torrecillas, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Pluma de águila calzada (Hiearaaetus pennatus) como unidad biomonitora de la exposición a metales pesados. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 69-74. 
  • M. Wayland, A.J. García Fernández, N. Neugebauer, H.G. Gilchrist  (2001) Concentrations of cadmium, mercury and selenium in blood, liver and kidney of common eider ducks from the Canadian artic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 71: 255-267.
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García Fernández, C. Ordóñez, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, J.C. Cubría, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez  (2001) Cyclodiene organochlorine insecticide-induced alterations in the sulfur-redox cycle in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 130: 315-323 .
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Fett, J.C. Cubría, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñe  (2000) Evaluation of basal cytotoxicity of organochlorine insecticides by in vitro alternative methods using BF-2 and RTG-2 fish cell lines. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Restoration 3: 81-86.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Utilidad de la línea celular de origen tumoral A-Mel-3 en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados. Revista de Toxicología 17: 133-139.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Comparación de dos métodos colorimétricos en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados en cultivos de células renales. Revista de Toxicología 17: 91-95.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J. Peñalver, P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2000) Lipid peroxides in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) as biomarker of environmental exposure to heavy metals and organochlorine residues. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 416-420.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2000) Influence of the age, sex and nutritional status on organochlorine levels in tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) from South-Western Mediterranean. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 433-437.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández (2000) Lead and cadmium in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) stranded on the coast of Andalusia (SW Mediaterranean): Influence of biological factors. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 421-426.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, A. Barba, I. Navas, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados en cernícalo común (Falco tinnunculus) de la Región de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 16: 55-66.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia del sexo, la edad y la estación del año sobre las concentraciones de DDE hepático en cernícalos vulgares (Falco tinnunculus). En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”- Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 169-174.
  • P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia de la exposición al plomo en el brote de botulismo en aves acuáticas en el Parque Natural «El Hondo» en 1997. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 175-180.
  • A.J. García Fernández y P. María-Mojica  (2000) Contaminantes ambientales y su repercusión sobre la fauna silvestre. Programas de biomonitorización. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 215-224.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2000) El plumbismo como causa de muerte en aves acuáticas. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 181-188.
Previo a 2000
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero (1999) Sunflower meal as cause of chronic copper poisoning in lambs in Southeastern Spain. Canadian Veterinary Journal 40: 799-801.
  • AE. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, C. Ordóñez, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1999) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad de metales in vitro en las líneas celulares de peces BF-2 y RTG-2 por dos métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 16(2): 17-21.
  • D. Santiago, M. Motas, A. Reja, P. María-Mojica, B. Rodero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Lead and cadmium in red deer and wild boar from Sierra Morena (Andalusia). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61: 730-737.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Estudio retrospectivo de casos de envenenamientos de animales de compañía y aves en el Sudeste de España. Revista de Toxicología 15: 105-109.
  • I. Navas, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Intoxicaciones accidentales e intencionadas en perros y gatos en el Sudeste de España (1994-1996). Revista de Toxicología 15: 110-113.
  • D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, P. Muñoz-Ramos, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Comparación de las técnicas colorimétricas MTT-tetrazolio y Rojo Neutro sobre el efecto citotóxico del cadmio en líneas celulares renales. Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica 20: 93-95.
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1998) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad in vitro de insecticidas organoclorados y metales en la línea celular CHO-K1 usando cuatro métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 15: 73-78.
  • P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero, I. Riboni, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Residuos de DDT y derivados en aves rapaces nocturnas del Sudeste de España. Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica 20: 367-368.
  • A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Impregnación por plomo y cadmio en aves silvestres de la Región de Murcia (1994). Tesis Doctorales 98. Universidad de Murcia. ISBN 84-7684-873-0. Servicios Publicaciones. Universidad de Murcia.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A. Luna, J.A. Sánchez-García (1997) Environmental exposure and distribution of lead in four species of raptors in southeastern Spain. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33: 76-82.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.A. Sánchez, M. Gómez, A. Luna (1996) Distribution of cadmium in blood and tissues of wild birds. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30: 252-258.
  • I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Johnson, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1996) Structural determinants of putrescine uptake inhibition produced by cationic diamidines in the model of Trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculate. Biological Chemistry 377: 833-836.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.A. Sánchez, P. Jiménez, A. Luna (1995) Lead and Cadmium in wild birds in Southeastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14: 2049-2058.
  • M.J. Cubero, L. León, A. Contreras, R. Astorga, I. Lanza, A.J. García-Fernández (1993) Transmissible gastroenteritis in pigs in south east Spain: prevalence and factors associated with infection. The Veterinary Record 132: 238-241.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, L. León, M.J. Cubero, A. Contreras (1992) Sobre la baja prevalencia de Clostridium botulinum en humedales de las Marismas de Odiel (Huelva). Oxyura IV: 49-54.
  • A. Contreras, A.J. García-Fernández, M.J. Cubero, L. León (1991) Low prevalence of C. botulinum in Spanish wetlands with tidal regime. The Veterinary Record 128: 187-188.
  • Movalli P, Koschorreck J, Treu G, Slobodnik J, Alygizakis N, Androulakakis A, Badry A, Baltag E, Barbahli F, Bauer K, Biesmeijer K, Borgo E, Cincinelli A, Claben D, Danielsson S, Dekker RWRJ, Dietz R, Eens M, Espín S, Eulaers I, Frahnert S, Fuiz TI, García-Fernández AJ, ….. Duke G. 2022. The role of natural science collections in the biomonitoring of environmental contaminants in apex predators in support of the EU’s zero pollution ambition. Environmental Sciences Europe 34: 88.
  • Roque I, Lourenço R, Marques A, Martínez-López E, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Roulin A, Rabaça JE. 2022. A first record of organochlorine pesticides in Barn owls (Tyto alba) from Portugal: Assessing trends from variation in feather and liver concentrations. Bulletion of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 109: 436–442.
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Berny P. 2022. Developing a European network of analytical laboratories and government institutions to prevent poisoning raptors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194: 113
  • Quadri-Adrogué A, Gómez-Ramírez P, García-Fernández AJ, Seco-Pon JP, García GO, Miglioranza KSB. 2022. Feather mercury levels in beached Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) in northern Argentina during the breeding season. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 29: 24793–24801.
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Navas I. 2021. Water Quality and Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs). In K. Roy (ed), Chemometrics and Cheminformatics in Aquatic Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell onLine Library, ISBN-978-1119681595
  • Dulsat-Masvidal M, Lourenço R, Lacorte S, D’Amico M, Albayrak T, Andevski J, Aradis A, Baltag E, Berger-Tal O, Berny P, Choresh Y, Duke G, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, et al. 2021. A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a pan-European monitoring scheme of contaminants. Science of the Total Environment 793: 148599. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148599
  • López-Berenguer G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2021. High levels of heavy metals detected in feathers of an avian scavenger warn of a high pollution risk in the Atacama Desert (Chile). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81(2): 227-235 10-1007/s00244-021-00862-y
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro M, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. Wildlife poisoning: a novel scoring system and review of analytical methods for anticoagulant rodenticide determination. Ecotoxicology 30: 767-782.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, León-Ortega M, Botella F, Calvo JF, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Martínez JE, Navas I, Pérez-García JM, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Taliansky A, Van Den Brink N, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2021. A 25 years overview of the contaminant exposure and effects in Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) from southern Spain. AIRO 29: 145-167.
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, Sánchez-Virosta P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Temporal persistence of bromadiolone in decomposing bodies fo common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Toxics 8(4): 98 (1-14) doi:10.3390/toxics8040098
  • Valverde I, Espín S, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Protocol to classify the stages of carcasses decomposition and estimate the time of death in small-size raptors. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66: 93. doi:10.1007/s10344-020-01429-3.
  • Albertos S, Berenguer N, Sánchez-Virosta P, Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez P, Torres-Chaparro MY, Valverde I, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Espín, S. 2020. Mercury exposure in birds linked to marine ecosystems in western Mediterranean. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 79: 435–453.
  • Espín S, Andevski J, Duke G, Eulaers I, Gómez-Ramírez P, Hallgrimsson GT, Helander B, Herzke D, Jaspers V, Krone O, Lourenço R, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, Mateo R, Movalli P, Sánchez-Virosta P, Shore RF, Sonne C, van den Brink N, van Hattum B, Wernham C, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. A schematic sampling protocol for contaminant monitoring in raptors. Ambio (published online 12 May 2020).
  • Arrondo E, Navarro J, Pérez-García JM, Mateo R, Camarero PR, Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios RC, Jiménez-Moreno M, Cortés-Avizanda A, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Donázar JA. 2020. Dust and bullets: stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger. Environmental Pollution 266: 115022.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, León-Ortega M, Calvo JF, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Zumbado M, Luzardo, OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ, Espín S. 2020. Blood concentrations of 50 elements in Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) at different contamination scenarios and related effects on plasma vitamin levels. Environmental Pollution 265: 115012.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Blanco G, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Validation of multi-residue method for quantification of antibiotics and NSAIDS in avian scavengers by using small amounts of plasma in HPLC-MS-TOF. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 4058. doi:10.3390/ijerph17114058.
  • Badry A, Krone O, Jaspers VLB, Mateo R, García-Fernández AJ, Leivits M, Shore RF. 2020. Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: Identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring. Science of the Total Environment 731: 139198.
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zamora-Marín A, Camarero PR, Mateo R, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Physiological effects of toxic elements on a wild nightjar species. Environmental Pollution 263: 114568
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, Zamora-Marín JM, León-Ortega M, Jiménez P, Zumbado M, Luzardo OP, Eeva T, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Toxic elements in blood of red-necked nightjars (Caprimulgus ruficollis) inhabiting differently polluted environments. Environmental Pollution 262: 114334.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2020. Temporal changes in metal concentrations in Andean condor feathers: a potential influence of volcanic activity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(20): 25600-25611. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08981-0
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Espín S, Navas I, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, Peñalver J, García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Mercury and Organochlorine Pesticides in Tissues of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Southwestern Mediterranean Coastline (Andalusia, Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104: 559–567.
  • García-Fernández AJ. 2020. Ecotoxicologial Risk Assessment in the context of different EU Regulations. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 3-25,
  • García-Fernández AJ, Espín S, Gómez-Ramírez P, Martínez-López E, Navas I. 2020. Wildlife Sentinels for Human and Environmental Health Hazards in Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment. In: Kunal Roy (ed.), Ecotoxicological QSARs, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Springer Protocols, Humana Press, NY, pp. 77-94.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2020. Arsenic-related oxidative stress in experimentally dosed wild great tit nestlings. Environmental Pollution 259: 113813. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113813.
  • Aver GF, Espín S, dal Corno RDB, García-Fernández AJ, Petry MV. 2020. Organochlorine pesticides in feathers of three raptor species in southern Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 5971-5980. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-07370-6
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Ferreras P, García-Fernández AJ, Mateo R. 2020. Conditioned food aversion in domestic dogs induced by thiram. Pest Management Science 76: 568-574 DOI: 10.1002/ps.5548 .
  • AJ García-Fernández & Navas I. 2019. Riesgos Tóxicos de la Munición de Plomo y sus Alternativas en la Actividad Cinegética. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • AJ García-Fernández, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Valverde I, Hernández EA. 2019. Plomo en productos cárnicos de caza mayor: Estimación de riesgos por su consumo. Servicio de Toxicología y Veterinaria Forense, Universidad de Murcia, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia, España. 37 pp. DIGITUM-Biblioteca Universitaria.
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Lara L, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Hg and Se in organs of three cetacean species from the Murcia coastline (Mediterranean Sea). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 103(4): 521-527. doi:10.1007/s00128-019-02697-9
  • Movalli P, Duke G, Ramello G, Dekker R, Vrezec A, Shore RF, García-Fernández AJ, …, Espín S, …, Gómez-Ramírez P, …, Martínez-López E, …, Sánchez-Virosta P, et al. 2019. Progress on bringing together raptor collections in Europe for contaminant research and monitoring in relation to chemicals regulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(20): 20132-20136. doi:10.1007/s11356-019-05340-6. Correction in doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06137-3
  • Martínez-López E, Peñalver J, Escriña A, Lara L, Gens MJ, MaríaDolores E, Alcaraz A, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Trace metals in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded along the Murcia coastline, Mediterranean Sea, during the period 2009-2015. Chemosphere 229: 580-588. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, Navas I, María-Mojica P, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control. Behavioural Processes 166: 103905.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Pérez-García JM, León-Ortega M, Martínez E, Calvo F, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Botella F, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Spatio-temporal variations of organochlorine pesticides in an apex predator: Influence of government regulations and farming practices. Environmental Research 176: 108543. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108543.
  • Rosell J, Barragán A, Carbonell MD, Gerique C, Fernández M, Pérez V, García-Fernández AJ, Casares M, Viana D, Selva L, Ortega J, Corpa JM. 2018. Ulcerative dermatitis and septicemia associated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Citrobacter braakii co-infection in a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association – JAVMA – Pathology in Practice 255 (12): 1249-1252. 10.2460/javma.255.12.1349
  • Valverde I, Espín S, Navas I, María-Mojica P, Gil JM, García-Fernández AJ. 2019. Lead exposure in Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna): tracking the success of the Pb shot ban for hunting in Spanish wetlands. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 106: 147-151.
  • Tobajas J, Gómez-Ramírez P, María-Mojica P, Navas I, García-Fernández AJ, Ferreras P, Mateo R. 2019. Conditioned food aversion mediated by odour cue and microencapsulated levamisole to avoid predation by canids. European Journal of Wildlife Research  65: 32.
  • Di Marzio A, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2019. From Mexico to the Beagle Channel: A review of metal and metalloid pollution studies on wildlife species in Latin America.  Environmental Research 176: 108462. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.04.029.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruiz S,  Stauffer J, Kanerva M, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2019. Effects of calcium supplementation on oxidative status and oxidative damage in great tit nestlings inhabiting a metal-polluted area. Environmental Research 171: 484–492.
  • Pedrazzani R, Bertanza G, Brnardić I, Cetecioglu Z, Dries J, Dvarionienė J, García-Fernández AJ, Langenhoff A, Libralato G, Lofrano G, Škrbić B, Martínez-López E, Meriç S, Mutavdžić Pavlović D, Papa M, Schröder P, Tsagarakis KP, Vogelsang C. 2019. Opinion paper about organic trace pollutants in wastewater: toxicity assessment in a European perspective. Science of the Total Environment 651: 3202–3221.
  • Di Marzio A, Gómez-Ramírez P, Barbar F, Lambertucci SA, García-Fernández AJ, Martínez-López E. 2018. Mercury in the feathers of bird scavengers from two areas of Patagonia (Argentina) under the influence of different anthropogenic activities: a preliminary study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 25(14): 13906-13915. doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-1333-7.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Jiménez-Montalbán P, Delgado D, Martínez-López E, María-Mojica P, Godino A, García-Fernández AJ. 2018. Development of a QUECHERS method for simultaneous analysis of antibiotics in carcasses for supplementary feeding of endangered vultures. Science of the Total Environment 626: 319-327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.060
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, Espín S, Ruíz S, Salminen J-P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2018. Experimental manipulation of dietary arsenic levels in great tit nestlings: Accumulation pattern and effects on growth, survival and plasma biochemistry. Environmental Pollution 233: 764-773.
  • Gil-Sánchez JM, Molleda S, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Bautista J, Navas I, Godinho R, García-Fernández AJ, Moleón M. 2018. Front sport hunting to breeding success: Patterns of lead ammunition ingestion and its effects on an endangered raptor. Science of the Total Environment 613-614: 483-491. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.069. 
  • Espín S, Sánchez-Virosta P, García-Fernández AJ, Eeva T. 2017. A microplate adaptation of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay to determine lipid peroxidation fluorometrically in small sample volumes. Revista de Toxicología 34 (2): 94-98.
  • AJ García-Fernández. 2017. Blood lead concentrations for use as threshold levels for decision-making to minimize the effects of lead exposure in raptors.   Link DIGITUM
  • Tatay E, Espín S, García-Fernández AJ, Ruíz MJ. 2017. Estrogenic activity of zearalenone, α-zearalenol, and β-zearalenol assessed using the E-screen assay in MCF-7 cells. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 28(4): 239-242.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, Bustnes JO, Eulaers I, Herzke D, Johnsen TV, Lepoint G, Pérez-García JM, García-Fernández AJ, Jaspers VLB. 2017. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in plasma and feathers of nestling birds of prey from northern Norway. Environmental Research 158: 277-285. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.019.
  • Dolan, K., T.M. Ciesielski, S. Lierhagen, I. Eulaers, T. Nygård, T.V. Johnsen, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández, J.O. Bustnes, M. Ortiz-Santaliestra, V.L. Jaspers. 2017. Trace element concentrations in feathers and blood of Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nestlings from Norway and Spain. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144: 564-571. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.06.062.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. Gómez-Ramírez, S. Espín, M.P. Aldeguer, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Influence of a former mining area in the heavy metals concentrations in blood of free-living Mediterranean pond turtles (Mauremys leprosa). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99(2): 167-172. doi: 10.1007/s00128-017-2122-6.
  • Tatay, E., S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, M.J. Ruíz. 2017. Oxidative damage and disturbance of antioxidant capacity by zearalenone and its metabolites in human cells. Toxicology in vitro 45: 334-339. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.04.026.
  • Taliansky-Chamudis, A., P. Gómez-Ramírez, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2017) Validation of a QuECheRS method for analysis of neonicotinoids in small volumes of blood and assessment of exposure in Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) nestlings. Science of the Total Environment 595: 93-100. doi. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.246.
  • Lisón, F., S. Espín, B. Aroca, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández. 2017. Assessment of mercury exposure in Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from southeastern Iberian Peninsula: Maternal-fetal transfer. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 24(6): 5497-5508. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8271-z.
  • Belando, M.D., A. Marín, M. Aboal, A.J. García-Fernández, L. Marín-Guirao. 2017. Combined in situ effects of metals and nutrients on marine biofilms: Shifts in the diatom assemblage structure and biological traits. Science of the Total Environment 574: 381-389 doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016. 08.197.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, S. Espín, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, J.M. Pérez-García, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Haematocrit and blood biochemical parameters in free-living Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) from Southeastern Spain: Study of age and sex differences. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62(5): 557-564. (DOI 10.1007/s10344-016-1028-7)
  • Espín, S., A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coeurdassier, I. Eulers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2016) Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors – what types of samples should we use. Ecotoxicology 25(4): 777-801 (DOI 10.1007/s10646-016-1636-8).
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2016) Interspecific differences in the antioxidant capacity of two Laridae species exposed to metals. Environmental Research International 147: 115-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.01.029
  • Martínez-López E, S. Espín, F. Barbar, S.A. Lambertucci, P. Gómez-Ramírez, A.J. García-Fernández (2015) Contaminants in the southern tip of South America: Analysis of organochlorine in feathers of avian scavengers from Argentinean Patagonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 115: 83-92.
  • Sánchez-Virosta P, S. Espín, A.J. García-Fernández, T. Eeva (2015) A review on exposure and effects of arsenic in passerine birds. Science of the Total Environment 512-513: 506-525.
  • Espín S, Martínez-López E, Jiménez P, María-Mojica P, AGarcía-Fernández AJ (2015) Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (d-ALAD) activity in four free-living bird species exposed to different levels of lead under natural conditions. Environmental Research 137: 185-198.
  • Espin S, A.J. García-Fernández, D. Herzke, R.F. Shore, B. van Hattum, E. Martínez-López, M. Coerudassier, I. Eulaers, C. Fritsch, P. Gómez-Ramírez, V.L.B. Jaspers, O. Krone, G. Duke, B. Helander, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne, N.W. van den Brink (2014) SAMPLING AND CONTAMINANT MONITORING PROTOCOL FOR RAPTORS. Research Networking Programme-EURAPMON. Available on EURAPMON website ( December 2014.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P, R.F. Shore, N.W. van den Brink, B. van Hattum, J.O. Bustnes, G. Duke, C. Fritsch, A.J. García-Fernández, B.O. Helander, V. Jaspers, O. Krone, E. Martínez-López, R. Mateo, P. Movalli, C. Sonne (2014) An overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in Europe. Environment  International 67: 12-21.
  • Espín S, E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Oxidative stress biomarkers in Eurasian eagle owls (Bubo bubo) in three different scenarios of heavy metal exposure. Environmental Research 131: 134-144.
  • Martínez-López, S., M.J. Martínez-Sánchez, C. Pérez-Sirvent, J. Bech, M.C. Gómez-Mártinez, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Screening of wild plants for use in the phytorremediation of mining-influenced soils containing arsenic in semiarid environments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14:794-809.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Jiménez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Effects of heavy metals on biomarkers for oxidative stress in Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus). Environmental Research 129: 59-68.
  • Hernández-García, A., D. Romero, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) In vitro evaluation of cell death induced by cadmium, lead and their binary mixtures on erythrocytes of Common buzzard (Buteo buteo). Toxicology in vitro 28: 300-306.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, M. León-Ortega, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Factors that influence mercury concentrations in nestling Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo). Science of the Total Environment 470-471: 1132-1139
  • García-Fernández A.J. (2014) Avian Ecotoxicology. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion, vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 289-294.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Diazoaminobenzene. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 2. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 57-59.
  • García-Fernández A.J. and I. Navas (2014) Bromethalin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 552-556.
  • Espín S., and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Azathioprine. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 1. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 347-350.
  • Gómez-Ramírez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Propachlor. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 1082-1085.
  • Martínez-López E. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Fenvalerate. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. Elsevier. DOI10.1016/B978-0-12-386454-3.00506-6 (in press)
  • Espín S. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Nitrapyrin. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 519-522.
  • Gómez P. and A.J. García-Fernández (2014) Mecoprop. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 176-179.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., S. Espín, P. Gómez and E. Martínez-López (2014) Oxalates. In Wexler, P (ed) Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edtion. vol. 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press ISBN 9780123864543. 730-734.
  • García-Fernández A.J., S. Espín and E. Martínez-López (2013) Feather as biomonitoring tool of polyhalogenated compounds: a review. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (7): 3028–3043
  • García-Fernández A.J. and E. Martínez-López (2012) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. In F. Omil Prieto and S. Suárez Martínez (eds). Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A modification of QuEChERS method to analyse anticoagulant rodenticides using small blood samples. Revista de Toxicología 29: 10-14.
  • Martínez-López, E., P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramirez, J.F. Calvo, J.E. Martínez, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) DDT residues in breeding population of booted eagle (Aquila pennata) associated with agricultural land practices. In A. Adams (ed) The Impact of Pesticides. AcademyPublish, 296-311 . ISBN: 978-0-9835850-9-1.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbills (Alca torda) as bioindicators of mercury pollution in the southwestern Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64(11): 2461-2470.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández, A.J. Zweers, N.W. van den Brink (2012) Organohalogen exposure in a Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) population from southeastern Spain: Temporal-spatial trends and risk assessment. Chemosphere 88(8): 903-911.
  • García-Fernández, I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2012) Monitorización de contaminantes ambientales persistentes en rapaces forestales de España: exposición y efectos. En Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecología y Conservación de las Rapaces Forestales Europeas. 337-356 ISBN: 978-84-7752-487-8.
  • Espín, S., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) Razorbill (Alca torda) feathers as an alternative tool for evaluating exposure to organochlorine pesticides. Ecotoxicology 21(1):183-90.
  • Tagliati, C.A., D. Romero, E.C.R. Dutra, A. Hernández-García, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2012) A comparison of BGM and LLC-PK1 cells for the evaluation of nephrotoxicity. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 35(3): 258-263.
  • García-Fernández, A.J., I. Navas, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica (2011) Monitoring of persistent environmental contaminants in forest raptors in Spain: exposure and effects. In Í. Zuberogoitia and J.E. Martínez (eds) Ecology and Conservation of European Forest-Dwelling Raptors. 337-350 ISBN: 978-84-7752-489-2.
  • Gómez-Ramírez, P., E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, M. León-Ortega, A.J. García-Fernández (2011) Blood lead levels and δ-ALAD inhibition in nestlings of Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) to assess lead exposure associated to an abandoned mining area. Ecotoxicology 20: 131-138.
  • A.J. García-Fernández and E. Martínez-López (2010) Ecotoxicological evaluation of STP effluent. Chapter 13th, in F. Omil y S. Suárez (eds) Innovative Technologies for urban wastewater treatment plant. 247-272. ISBN 13:978-84-693-3992-3.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez-López, P. Gómez-Ramírez, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Assessment of organochlorine pesticide exposure in a wintering population of razorbills (Alca torda) from the southwestern Mediterranean. Chemosphere 80(10): 1190-1198.
  • E. Martínez-López, A.R. Sousa, P. María-Mojica, P. Gómez-Ramírez, L. Guilhermino, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Blood, δ-ALAD, lead and cadmium concentrations in spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca) from Southeastern Spain and Northern Africa. Ecotoxicology 19(4): 670-677.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2010) Adecuación e idoneidad de los contenidos de la asignatura de Toxicología para el perfil profesional del egresado veterinario. Revista de Toxicología 27: 51-56.
  • S. Espín, E. Martínez- López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2010) Desarrollo de un método analítico para la extracción de pesticidas organoclorados de plumas. Anales de Veterinaria 26: 77-90.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. Gómez-Ramírez, E. Martínez-López, A. Hernández-García, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, P. Jiménez, J.J. Castillo, J.J. Bellido (2009) Heavy metals in tissues from loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Southwestern Mediterranean (Spain). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2): 557-563.
  • D. Romero, A. Hernández-García, C. Tagliati, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Cadmium and lead induced apoptosis in mallard erythrocytes (Anas platyrhynchos). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):37-44.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2009) Changes in blood pesticide levels in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) associated with agricultural land practices. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(1):45-50.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.F. Calvo, E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez (2008) Raptor ecotoxicology in Spain: a review on environmental persistent contaminants. AMBIO-Journal of the Human Environment 37: 432-439.
  • M. Martínez-Haro, R. Mateo, R. Guitart, F. Soler, M. Pérez-López, P. María-Mojica, A.J. García-Fernández (2008) Relationship of the toxicity of pesticide formulations and their commercial restrictions with the frequency of animal poisonings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69(3): 396-402.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, J. Wright, R.F. Shore, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Organochlorine residues in booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus) and goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) eggs from south-eastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(11): 2378-2378.
  • D. Romero, J.A. García-Navarro, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Revisión de la legislación veterinaria de interés y uso en mataderos. Alimentaria 386: 73-78.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, J. Lloret, A. Marín, G. García, A.J. García Fernández (2007) Pulse-discharges of mining wastes into a coastal lagoon during torrential rains in a semiarid European region: water chemistry and associated toxicity. Chemical Ecology 23(3): 217-231.
  • D. Romero E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Alteraciones anatomo-patológicas en un flamenco común (Phoenicopterus roseus) por intoxicación aguda por plomo. Revista de Toxicología 24(1): 52-55.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2007) La Veterinaria Legal y la Deontología en España. Actualidad Veterinaria 82: 26-30.
  • D. Romero, J. Peñalver y A.J. García-Fernández (2007) Perdigones de plomo y aves cinegéticas: un problema de salud pública. Información Veterinaria 4: 11-15.
  • E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, C. Gerique, P. Jiménez, A.J. García Fernández (2006) Detection of strychnine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the carcass of a Bonelli´s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus). The Veterinary Record 159(6):182-3.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, I. Navas, A. Hernández-García, P. Gómez-Ramírez (2006) Aspectos clínicos y forenses del envenenamiento de aves silvestres: diferencias entre aldicarb y estricnina. Revista de Toxicología 23(1): 44-48.
  • D. Romero, Quesada, E., Sogorb, M.A., García-Fernandez, A.J., Vilanova, E., Carrera, V. (2006) Comparison of chromaffin cells from several animal sources for their use as an in vitro model to study the mechanism of organophosphorous toxicity. Toxicology Letters 165: 221-229.
  • A.J. García-Fernández y F. Soler Rodríguez  (2006) Riesgos tóxicos por consumo de carne de caza. En: A. Cameán y M. Repetto, Toxicología Alimentaria. Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 413-436.
  • D. Romero, Martínez-López E., García-Fernández A.J. (2006) Valoración de las alteraciones provocadas por diferentes agentes tóxicos sobre Daphnia magna a través de un ensayo “on line”. Revista de Toxicología 23: 113-117.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) Characterization of putrescine uptake in Hamster Amelanocytic Melanoma AMel-3 Cells. Molecular and Cells 20(1): 127-135.
  • A.J. García-Fernandez, E. Martínez-López, D. Romero, P. María-Mojica, A. Godino, P. Jimenez (2005) High levels of blood lead in griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) from «Cazorla» Natural Park (Southern Spain). Environmental Toxicology 20(4): 459-463.
  • L. Marín-Guirao, A. Marín-Atucha, J. Lloret, E. Martínez-López, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Effects of mining wastes on a seagrass ecosystem: metal accumulation and bioavailability, seagrass dynamics and associated community structure. Marine Environmental Research 60: 317-337.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez, J.F. Calvo, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (2005) Cadmium in feathers of adults and blood of nestlings of three raptor species from a non-polluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 477-484.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, M. Pulido, P. María-Mojica (2005) Environmental lead exposure in European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) from southeastern Spain: Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 314-319.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, P. María-Mojica, E. Martínez-López, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2004) Convulsionantes: estricnina, metaldehído, escilirósido y crimidina. Consulta de Difusión Veterinaria 12: 49-58.
  • E. Martínez-López, J.E. Martínez, P. María-Mojica, J. Peñalver, M. Pulido, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Lead in feathers and d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in three raptor species from an unpolluted Mediterranean forest (Southeastern Spain). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47: 270-275.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Comparison of cytopathological changes induced by mercury chloride exposure in renal cell lines (VERO and BGM). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 17: 129-141.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2004) Morphological characterisation of renal cell line (BGM and VERO) exposed to low doses of lead nitrate. Histology and Histopathology 19: 69-76.
  • S.B. Abdel-Ghani, E. Martínez-López, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Balaña-Fouce and D. Ordóñez (2004) Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of four insect pheromones in CHO-K1 cells. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73: 963-970.
  • D. Romero, E. Martínez-López y A.J. García-Fernández (2004) Los métodos alternativos a la experimentación animal. Portal Veterinaria 21-10-2004.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna (2003) Influence of leaded-gasoline regulations on the blood lead concentrations in Murciano-Granadina goats from Murcia Region (SE Spain). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70: 1178-1183.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García-Fernández (2003) Morphological characterization of BGM cell line exposed to low doses of cadmium chloride. Toxicology in vitro 17: 293-299.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2003) Guía Legislativa de interés veterinario: sanidad animal y salud pública. ISBN 84-932537-3-1. Ed. JMC. 1-219.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez, I. Navas and A.J. García Fernández (2003) Intentional poisoning of animals in southeastern Spain: a review of the Veterinary Toxicology Service from Murcia (Spain). Veterinary and Human Toxicology 45: 47-50.
  • A.J. García Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, D. Romero, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Changes in glutathione-redox balance induced by hexachlorocyclo-hexane and lindane in CHO-K1 cells. Xenobiotica 32: 1007-1016.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, A.E. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, M. Motas, R.M. Reguera, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (2002) Alterations of the glutathione-redox balance induced by metals in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 132: 365-373.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García-Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2002. Anales de Veterinaria.
  • D. Romero, M. Motas, A.J. García Fernández (2002) Mercancia frente a producto: competencia veterinaria en comercio intracomunitario y con terceros países. Actualidad Veterinaria 25: 24-34.
  • M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Martínez-López, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Animales envenenados: La experiencia de 10 años del Servicio de Toxicología de la Universidad de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 81-90.
  • D. Romero y A.J. García Fernández  (2002) Recopilación legislativa de interés veterinario. Año 2001. MU-1951-2002: 1-107.
  • E. Martínez-López, P. María-Mojica, J.E. Martínez-Torrecillas, J.F. Calvo, A.J. García-Fernández (2002) Pluma de águila calzada (Hiearaaetus pennatus) como unidad biomonitora de la exposición a metales pesados. Anales de Veterinaria 18: 69-74. 
  • M. Wayland, A.J. García Fernández, N. Neugebauer, H.G. Gilchrist  (2001) Concentrations of cadmium, mercury and selenium in blood, liver and kidney of common eider ducks from the Canadian artic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 71: 255-267.
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García Fernández, C. Ordóñez, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, J.C. Cubría, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez  (2001) Cyclodiene organochlorine insecticide-induced alterations in the sulfur-redox cycle in CHO-K1 cells. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, part C 130: 315-323 .
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Fett, J.C. Cubría, C. Ordóñez, R.M. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñe  (2000) Evaluation of basal cytotoxicity of organochlorine insecticides by in vitro alternative methods using BF-2 and RTG-2 fish cell lines. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Restoration 3: 81-86.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Utilidad de la línea celular de origen tumoral A-Mel-3 en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados. Revista de Toxicología 17: 133-139.
  • D. Romero, M. Gómez-Zapata, A. Luna, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Comparación de dos métodos colorimétricos en la evaluación citotóxica de metales pesados en cultivos de células renales. Revista de Toxicología 17: 91-95.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J. Peñalver, P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero (2000) Lipid peroxides in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) as biomarker of environmental exposure to heavy metals and organochlorine residues. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 416-420.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (2000) Influence of the age, sex and nutritional status on organochlorine levels in tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) from South-Western Mediterranean. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 433-437.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, E. Fernández (2000) Lead and cadmium in internal tissues of common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) stranded on the coast of Andalusia (SW Mediaterranean): Influence of biological factors. En Evans, Cruz y Raga (eds) European Research on Cetaceans 13: 421-426.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, A. Barba, I. Navas, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados en cernícalo común (Falco tinnunculus) de la Región de Murcia. Anales de Veterinaria 16: 55-66.
  • P. María-Mojica, P. Jiménez, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia del sexo, la edad y la estación del año sobre las concentraciones de DDE hepático en cernícalos vulgares (Falco tinnunculus). En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”- Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 169-174.
  • P. María-Mojica, I. Navas, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García Fernández (2000) Influencia de la exposición al plomo en el brote de botulismo en aves acuáticas en el Parque Natural «El Hondo» en 1997. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 175-180.
  • A.J. García Fernández y P. María-Mojica  (2000) Contaminantes ambientales y su repercusión sobre la fauna silvestre. Programas de biomonitorización. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 215-224.
  • A.J. García Fernández  (2000) El plumbismo como causa de muerte en aves acuáticas. En “Globalización Medioambiental. Perspectivas agrosanitarias y urbanas”. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. 181-188.
Previo a 2000
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero (1999) Sunflower meal as cause of chronic copper poisoning in lambs in Southeastern Spain. Canadian Veterinary Journal 40: 799-801.
  • AE. Bayoumi, Y. Pérez-Pertejo, C. Ordóñez, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1999) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad de metales in vitro en las líneas celulares de peces BF-2 y RTG-2 por dos métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 16(2): 17-21.
  • D. Santiago, M. Motas, A. Reja, P. María-Mojica, B. Rodero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Lead and cadmium in red deer and wild boar from Sierra Morena (Andalusia). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61: 730-737.
  • P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Estudio retrospectivo de casos de envenenamientos de animales de compañía y aves en el Sudeste de España. Revista de Toxicología 15: 105-109.
  • I. Navas, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, D. Romero, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Intoxicaciones accidentales e intencionadas en perros y gatos en el Sudeste de España (1994-1996). Revista de Toxicología 15: 110-113.
  • D. Romero, M. Motas-Guzmán, P. María-Mojica, P. Muñoz-Ramos, M. Gómez-Zapata, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Comparación de las técnicas colorimétricas MTT-tetrazolio y Rojo Neutro sobre el efecto citotóxico del cadmio en líneas celulares renales. Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica 20: 93-95.
  • A.E. Bayoumi, A.J. García-Fernández, C. Ordóñez, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1998) Evaluación de la citotoxicidad in vitro de insecticidas organoclorados y metales en la línea celular CHO-K1 usando cuatro métodos alternativos. Revista de Toxicología 15: 73-78.
  • P. María-Mojica, M. Motas-Guzmán, D. Romero, I. Riboni, A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Residuos de DDT y derivados en aves rapaces nocturnas del Sudeste de España. Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica 20: 367-368.
  • A.J. García-Fernández (1998) Impregnación por plomo y cadmio en aves silvestres de la Región de Murcia (1994). Tesis Doctorales 98. Universidad de Murcia. ISBN 84-7684-873-0. Servicios Publicaciones. Universidad de Murcia.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, M. Motas, I. Navas, P. María-Mojica, A. Luna, J.A. Sánchez-García (1997) Environmental exposure and distribution of lead in four species of raptors in southeastern Spain. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33: 76-82.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.A. Sánchez, M. Gómez, A. Luna (1996) Distribution of cadmium in blood and tissues of wild birds. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30: 252-258.
  • I. Navas, A.J. García-Fernández, R. Johnson, R. Reguera, R. Balaña-Fouce, D. Ordóñez (1996) Structural determinants of putrescine uptake inhibition produced by cationic diamidines in the model of Trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculate. Biological Chemistry 377: 833-836.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, J.A. Sánchez, P. Jiménez, A. Luna (1995) Lead and Cadmium in wild birds in Southeastern Spain. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14: 2049-2058.
  • M.J. Cubero, L. León, A. Contreras, R. Astorga, I. Lanza, A.J. García-Fernández (1993) Transmissible gastroenteritis in pigs in south east Spain: prevalence and factors associated with infection. The Veterinary Record 132: 238-241.
  • A.J. García-Fernández, L. León, M.J. Cubero, A. Contreras (1992) Sobre la baja prevalencia de Clostridium botulinum en humedales de las Marismas de Odiel (Huelva). Oxyura IV: 49-54.
  • A. Contreras, A.J. García-Fernández, M.J. Cubero, L. León (1991) Low prevalence of C. botulinum in Spanish wetlands with tidal regime. The Veterinary Record 128: 187-188.